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"Andrew." Said man stopped writing on the board and let his pen fall from his hand in order to salute.

"Thomas, is everything okay?" Andrew advanced to Tom, in order to see if there was anything wrong , but stopped once Tom put a hand out.

"Andrew, I need to speak with you and what I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone. Not even Red Leader." Toms tone held so much seriousness it was beginning to worry the doctor. However, he agreed nonetheless. "What I am about to suggest is something that may seem absurd at first but it will be worth it. Okay so I'm planning a very top secret trip to America in order to try and help some innocents. I would like to bring along at least 20 soldiers with me. With a doctor, pilot and a communications major. I already have 15 soldiers willing to help thanks to Matt. I have yet to ask Adam. Spencer has agreed and has requested Todrick to go. Finally I just need a doctor and I trust you more than any other doctors at this base. So, how about it?"

"I won't let you down Tom, i promise. When will we leave."

"Well if I can get Adam to agree we will leave leave tonight, so get a back packed."

"Will we be back?"

Tom looked over at Andrew "I don't think so...I'll be making a base area over in America in order to get more soldiers. My personal guard Sargent Daniels is going to be there and nothing gets past him." It was true Sargent Daniels was a beast, although he couldn't protect Tom during the time he was taken, it wasn't exactly his fault. It was Tom who decided to drift away from him. Being Toms personal guard in America will ensure his safety. "Anyway, we will be staying there to free as many innocents as we can. It's not fair that so many are living in confinement when they simply were just living their lives as an American citizen. So we're staying there as long as it takes, or as long as it takes for the Red Army to overtake America. I'll explain more on the plane, but for now go get some necessities packed and I will send someone along when we're ready. When they come They'll say SAI and you'll know who they are."

With that Tom left, smiling at doctors walking around the medical area. Them saluting in return.

"Sir! I've gotten more soldiers in for SAI!" Tom looked over to one of his new soldiers who stopped in front of Tom.

"Really? that's great and they're trusted?"

"Yes sir, close friends of mine, won't betray you."

"Thank you soldier. We'll be leaving tonight if I can get Adam to agree. Have you gotten belongings ready?"

The soldier nodded "yes sir, so have the others. We're just waiting on your signal."

Tom smiled at that and nodded "good work. I'll see you soon."

The soldier saluted and walked away. Toms next destination being Adam.

On the way Tom saw Tord talking with a few of his soldiers. Said man spotted Tom and waved at him; Tom waving back with a forced guilty smile.

He walked by and made it to Adams office.

Just as he thought, Adam was totally on board with the idea and set off to pack instantly. Before he left he turned to Tom "you know this is going to break Red Leaders heart?"

Tom nodded solemnly, "Yes but maybe he deserves it. If he can't see the pain he's putting hundreds in maybe his pain will make him realise." Tears gathers in Toms eyes yet he refused to let them spill.

"Get ready soldier and I'll meet you at the air field out back."

Adams nodded and carried on his way Tom doing the same. As he was making his way through the court yard he spotted Mia. "Hey Mia!" Said girl turned and smiled at Tom "SAI is in operation" Mia quickly became serious and as planned spread word to the fellow soldiers. Who all in time made them way to the air field as prepared without trying to look suspicious.

Tom seeing everyone on his mental list had gone, started making his way. In the middle of the court yard was a structure of the Symbol that was typically used as a logo for the Red Army. The logo would be plastered around the taken over areas.

He placed a letter he had written previously explaining his disappearance. Though he didn't directly say he was saying innocents, he said he was going to sort things out.

Once satisfied, he made his way to the air field, it was already dark outside so a lot of soldiers would be in bed.

He saw the plane and boarded instantly for it to leave without any problems. After a quick head count they were ready to go"Okay Spencer, Todrick were ready to go."

Tom sat while they set off. Once I'm the air smoothly flying, Tom stood once again getting the attention of the other soldiers.

"Thank you all soldiers for being here. It really means a lot. So as you may know operation SAI stands for Save All Innocents. We will be trying to save as many innocents as we possibly can that are being held hostage and in confinement by the Red Army to try and make America surrender to them. Red Leader hasn't consented to us doing this, so we could get in immense trouble but you wouldn't have agreed not knowing the consequences." Tom took a breath and looked proudly at the soldier listening intently. "I want to clarify that we are not going against the Red Army, we will not be physically harming them as targets but you have permission to defend yourselves whatever it takes. We will be landing at a very secret base as close as we can get to a confinement centre where a few soldiers from America have already gotten some innocents saved. Once the innocents we saved have been taken to our base we will be flying them off to saver areas of America. We will be wearing all black clothing along with black hats and mouth masks to guard our identities as much as possible. They may think we will be American citizens so it's best to keep hidden. When we get there a plan will be set out immediately. I think that's all, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me. Are we clear soldiers?" A chorus of yes sirs were heard and Tom sat next to Sargent Daniels satisfied.

"Well done Thomas. I know red Leader isn't going to be happy but you're doing a really good thing."

"Thank you Daniels, I just hope everything goes to plan. Tord will do anything to get me back so I'm hoping he'd somehow get America to surrender quick enough so we can save more innocents."

Sargent Daniels nodded and suggested Tom to get some sleep as they had a long day ahead of them. Agreeing he did just that getting comfortable and falling asleep.

Thanks for reading. This book has got 1k+ views and seriously that's incredible! I honestly didn't think I'd get this far but it's happened. So thank you for that.


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