Fifty-Nine | Benny Lafitte

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Benny Lafitte

One night, you came round into a bar after the long day at work

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One night, you came round into a bar after the long day at work. By this time, your boss pissed you off with his early deadlines and never-being-satisfied-with-your-work diatribes and for your luck, it was Friday, so you had two days to clear your mind. When you sat down onto one of the barstools, far enough from the other customers, you rested your forearms on the counter, waiting for a worker to appear. Well, they did, and he stopped right in front of you, putting his hands onto the edge of the counter.

"Had a tough day?" he asked, making you quickly straighten your back, being able to look at him.

"Um, yeah. Can I have a glass of whiskey, please?" you mumbled, sliding your forearms to your chest on the counter.

"Of course, sweetheart."

Something odd happened: you felt your heart skipping a beat and your cheeks flushing red. Luckily he disappeared to get the ordered drink for you, so you had enough time to get yourself together. When he returned, he placed the glass in front of you in the company of a embarrassing smile.

"Want to talk about it, sweetheart?"

"The others are waiting for you." you shyly said, pointing at the other customers behind him. He didn't reply, just walked away, then came back.

"Not anymore." his voice was benevolent.

You saw another bartender serving.

"I'm not really into complaining." you whispered, swallowing the drink, your forehead creased a bit as you looked up to him.

"Telling what's bothering you isn't equal with complaining." his voice softened.

You told him everything why you entered into the bar. You two set up a comfortable conversation, and pretty much later, he glanced over the clock.

"Seems my time's over for today." he stated.

"Looks like I should go home." you stood up and was ready to leave when you felt something warm cover your hand: his hands. You lifted your head up to look into his unnaturally blue eyes.

"When can I see you again?" he asked. You returned the squeeze with your fingers.

"Next week, same time." you gave him a joyous smile, then - though it was harder than it should've been - you let go off of his hand and left the place.

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