Fifty-Two | Dean Winchester

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Dean Winchester

You and Dean sat into a diner that was the nearest to your place

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You and Dean sat into a diner that was the nearest to your place. You ordered a plate of salad and your favourite drink, while Dean had a cheeseburger and fries. When the waitress arrived with your meal, you noticed she couldn't take her eyes off of Dean. The Winchester ignored her, and sput out a 'thanks' to her, but you didn't leave this matter alone.

"She was staring at you like you were the source of her air to breathe." you stated with a soft smile of your face, looking up to Dean from the corners of your eyes.

"Lucky for her that I'm not literally that, as she'd drown in matter of minutes." He said, biting into his burger.

"Turn the page: you know that I need your help in this." you asked him, knowing he knew what you were talking about.

It was simple: your brother was taken by a vampire into their nest to make him the new vampire leader of the state.

"I've already told you: Sam and I'll deal with it."

"We're doing this together, Dean." you put down the fork onto the plate, placing your forearms on the sides of the plate, locking your strict gaze with his.

"You won't come with us, end of the discussion."

"You know me. You know, I will come with you, one way or another." you raised an eyebrow.

He didn't reply. Not that he couldn't say anything as if you two were in the motel room, he would shove you up to the wall, placing a hand next to your ear, crossing the outer line of your personal space and assertively tell you if you don't shut up, he'll make you. But this time, he was much "polite" and calm.

He took a sad look at your right shoulder, then down to his food.

"I don't want you to get hurt. Is that such a hard thing to understand?"

He didn't take away his eyes, neither did you. He took your hand that was closer to him, and lifted up to his mouth, kissing it, then returned to his lunch.

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