Forty-Nine | Benny Lafitte

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Benny Lafitte

After you had taken out Benny's soul from Purgatory, you and the vampire departed into different directions

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After you had taken out Benny's soul from Purgatory, you and the vampire departed into different directions. Days passed by and in the moment you thought of him, the ringtone of your cell phone brought you back from the depth of your thoughts. You quickly picked up the phone fron the table, and you furrowed, as the number on the screen was unknown for you. You tapped the green button, and put the device to your ear, visibly confused.


"Y/N." though you didn't see him, you heard from his voice that he was smiling.

"Where did you get a phone?"

"You wouldn't believe they sell these things in convenience stores, would you? Loads of things changed in 50 years. You were right about one thing."

"What would that be?"

"Purgatory. It was good with you. I wish I had appreaciated it more, you know? Like you. Being there with you, baby... it felt like you made me pure."

You said nothing, just chuckled.

"I miss you, Benny."

"I miss you, too, little girl."

The line went dead.

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