Sixty-Five | Sam Winchester

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Sam Winchester

You just got back from Purgatory and met Sam and learnt about him not even searching after you after you disappeared with Dick which made you even more furious due to the fact that Sam had been your best friend and hunter mate for eight years then

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

You just got back from Purgatory and met Sam and learnt about him not even searching after you after you disappeared with Dick which made you even more furious due to the fact that Sam had been your best friend and hunter mate for eight years then. You got pretty pissed off and didn't talk to him until the evening.

"What's the name of her?" you asked, while sitting on the floor, backfacing him. Sam also sput out that he found a girl and something he had never experienced before; life without hunting.

"Amelia." he simply stated.

"And how did you meet her?"

"I hit a dog."

You turned around, surprise could be used as a phrase to describe your reaction.


"What about leaving this matter and talking about you?"

"Why would we?"

"Look at yourself. You're nervous, your whole body is shaking, the stress is written all over your face. What was it like?" asked Sam, halfly whispering.

You told him everything, except Benny. You and the vampire fell in love there, and when the opportunity of you two getting out of there came, he pushed you into the blue and messy hole, and staying there. Since you did some research and found that it is a human portal and he could only get out of there if you had his soul in your body. Which literally didn't happen.

"You weren't alone, were you?" he asked as if he was reading your mind.


"Y/N, I know you. I know you didn't finish the story. Who were they?"

"A vampire. His name was Benny."

"And what happened?"

"He stayed there, so that I could get out of there."

"You left him alive?"

"If Amelia was a vampire, would you kill her?" You turned back to him. You saw him opening his mouth, but his mind was quicker, so he stayed quiet.

"You loved him?"

"It have never loved anyone this much."

Which was a lie, because Sam was the first person you had loved with your entire heart and soul, and it seemed it didn't change.

Gif Series - Supernatural | Elisabeth JohannsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat