Forty-Two | Sam Winchester

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Sam Winchester

It happened after sunset that Sam came up to you, and you were surprised as he put a cup of warm tea on your desk, taking care not to place the drink close to your laptop

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It happened after sunset that Sam came up to you, and you were surprised as he put a cup of warm tea on your desk, taking care not to place the drink close to your laptop.

"Thank you."

"It's nothing." he smiled, and you went back to work on the case. You heard the television was on in the room next to yours. "Why did you come? I thought you were watching TV with Dean."

"Just wanted to see you."

"You see me all the time." you joked.

For that, Sam stood up and started tickling you. You were laughing and tried to get his hands away from your sides. He grabbed your wrists with one of his hands and stopped.

In the next moment, he gave a kiss on the corner of your mouth, then sat back to his original place as if nothing had happened.

"What was that for?" you babbled.


"I'm serious, Sam."

"Maybe I love you." he confessed.

"Maybe?" you smiled shyly.

"I'm sure."

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