Six | Michael

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(in young John Winchester's body)

Cas brought you, Sam and Dean back in time, to be able to save Mary and John from Anna, preventing her aim of killing the brothers' parents

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Cas brought you, Sam and Dean back in time, to be able to save Mary and John from Anna, preventing her aim of killing the brothers' parents. But you came late, and Anna already stabbed Mary, and dropped John out of the house, through the window. You three were fighting against Anna, when all of a sudden, John appeared in front of you, came up to Anna, killed her, then stepped up to the boys, put his index and middle finger to their foreheads, and they fell onto the ground, seeming unconscious. You gasped, running to them, when you heard John's voice.

"Well, I'd say this conversation is long overdue, wouldn't you?" he asked, his eyes were smiling.

"Michael..." you whispered, gazing down to the boys, then standing up. "Why did you possess him?"

"I told him I can save his wife, and he allowed me to take control over his body." He stepped even closer to you. You wanted to step back, but soon your back stumbled into the cold, stone wall.

"What do you want to talk about?" you asked in a rough voice.

"I can see inside you. I see your emotions you try so hard to hide. You can hide them from these kids, but not from me. See that?" he pointed to your chest. "I see how your heart is bumping, I can see the difference in your eyes, when your are looking at me..."

"Are you kidding me? I do not know what do you see, but I know for sure that my heart does not bumping because of the love I don't even have. It's beating, 'cause I want you to get the Hell outta here, and never come back."

Suddenly, he trapped your neck with his palms, and kissed you.

You didn't push him away. Not because you couldn't. But because you didn't want to.

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