
Kol was now back to the Quarter and made his siblings all go to the library so they could talk.

"Did you find out something?" Rebekah asked with her eyes all red and puffy.

"There's someone who got back from the dead... Our mother is back and possessing a witches body. She wants to make us be human again, she feels like it's time to fix her mistake."

"You can't listen to whatever offer she'll give you. Our mother never puts all cards in the table, you should all know that by now." Klaus said.

"What if she can help us get them back?" Kol asked.

"No! I don't trust her and neither should you." Klaus said because he knew very well that Esther was a woman who only let out in the open what was convenient.

"You just don't want to be mortal again because you have your head so far up your ass that you can't be anything but that bloody reputation you made of being the big bad wolf." Kol said.

"I know our mother has her flaws but shouldn't we go try to figure out if mother can help us. Our situation is getting very unbearable to handle it." Elijah said calmly, even if inside he was a wreck and only wanted to have his Elena back.

" Elijah said calmly, even if inside he was a wreck and only wanted to have his Elena back

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"I won't become human." Klaus said firmly and upset.

"Not even for Caroline?" Rebekah asked and Klaus just left, not wanting to think that his stubbornness could be the reason of Caroline staying in this state.

"Klaus? Are you okay?" Liz asked when encountered Klaus walking angry in the hallway.

"No. In the matter of fact I'm not. These bloody witches... Dead or alive, witches are a pain in the arse." Klaus said walking over to his room and Liz quickly followed him.

"What happened?"

"My Mother is back."

"Esther. The powerful original witch?" Liz asked shocked. "How?"

"I don't know. But apparently she is offering to get them back on their feet but my siblings and I will have to be human."

"Is that possible?"

"I believe she will put our soul in human bodies." Klaus said. "But I feel that there's something else she intends on doing besides that but my siblings think that I'm overreacting and that I simply want to keep my reputation of the Original Hybrid."

"Look, as Caroline's mother I say do whatever it takes to get my daughter back but as a friend I will tell you to think about what Caroline would ask you to do. She wouldn't want you to become something you don't want to be just to get her back. She knows how important it is for you to be a hybrid, she would never be able to ask you that."

"So what should I do?"

"Try to figure out if Esther has more plans that she is telling."

"And as a Sheriff, Do you have any suggestions where to start with this investigation?" Klaus asked.

"I'm glad you ask. You said your mother will want to put your souls in human bodies, right?" Liz said and Klaus nodded. "Well, that makes me curious what she wants to do to your original bodies after making you possessing human bodies."

"I see Caroline got her intelligence after her mother." Klaus said with a smirk and Liz smiled. "You know, if Caroline would be here talking with us, she would laugh that you said Original."


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"Yes. She can always find a way to make people less serious." Liz said. "Ever since she turned, she seemed to gain a new appreciation for life. I know I used to hate vampires in general but I believe turning into a vampire actually made Caroline better as a person. She become stronger and not only in physical strength."


Kol was now in his room seating in a chair, facing Bonnie unconscious and holding her hand.

"Darling, I miss you so much. I hope that no matter what happens you'll always be aware that I love you and that you're my everything, you're the love of my life. I used to think my life was pretty great but then I met you and when we got together I truly realized that before you my life had no meaning, it was just me giving into whatever temptation I found and my bloodlust but since I got to be with you, you gave me meaning to live, you made me see that I spend my life trying to fulfill this whole I had in my life because I had lost my magic and I felt the outsider of my family, but you made me happy and made me no longer have that void in my life. I believe I turned just so I could live long enough to met you, the woman of my life. I love you so much, Bonnie Bennett."

AN: Hey guys! What are you thinking of the story so far? What do you think about this chapter? What was your favorite part?
Do you think Kol accepted or rejected Esther's offer? What will happen next? Is Klaus going to find out what Esther plans on doing with their Original bodies if they transition to human bodies? Will Esther have any success in her plans?
I'm not writing ahead so if you send requests/suggestions, there's a big chance I'll make them happening, also I love to know your opinion about the chapters and the story in general.

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