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The next day I smiled waking up to Itachi with his arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around and hugged him. Itachi opened an eye and smirked looking down at me. "To what do I owe this hug?" he asked, as I smiled and kissed his lips. He smirked kissing my back and I moaned as he rubbed my hips. When we broke the kiss he smirked looking down at me. "Morning" I said, a she chuckled. "Oi Itachi" shouted Shisui opening the door, as he looked at us with a blank expression and Itachi and I glared at him. "Really?" I said, as he smiled nervously. "Uh, well... there’s a bit of a problem" he said, as we paused. "Problem?" we questioned. "Well, Oba-Chan, Mikoto, Chie's mom and grandmother are all here... and they want to start planning the wedding" he said, as Itachi growled closing his eyes and I sighed covering myself with a blanket. "I'll straighten it out" I said making my way to the bathroom to get changed. Itachi put some boxers and sweatpants on. "So" said Shisui, as Itachi paused. "So? What?" asked Itachi, as Shisui sighed. "Come on did you ask her or not?" asked Shisui, as Itachi closed his eyes. "Not" he said putting a shirt on. "Why not?" asked Shisui, as Itachi glared at him. "Well for one I haven't had a moments peace with her" said Itachi, as Shisui smiled nervously and closed the door walking out. I walked out of the bathroom changed into jeans and a t-shirt. "I swear this is going to be so painful" I said, as I smiled when Itachi wrapped his arms around me. "Let me make it less painful" he said kissing my neck, as I smiled. "Itachi that's sweet but I should go talk to them" I said, as I paused when Itachi turned me around and placed a box in my hands. "It had it... specially made for you" he said, as I paused looking at the box and slowly started to open it. My eyes then widened seeing a ring with a diamond dragon embedded in it and an Uchiha symbol carved inside. "Itachi" I said, as he kissed my cheek and leaned close to my ear. "Will you marry me?" he whispered, as I paused. "You... want to marry me?" I asked, as Itachi smirked and kissed my lips and I blushed kissing him back. "Ever since I was twelve" he said, as I smiled and nodded while Itachi placed my ring on my finger. "OI" shouted Shisui, as we sighed. "Come on" I said taking Itachi's hand and we made our way to the main house.

We walked in and took our shoes off. "We're here" shouted Shisui, as our eyes widened when Mikoto, my mother, my grandmother and Oba-Chan came running. "Chie-Chan finally" said my mother hugging me. "Come, come we have much to do" said Oba-Chan, as the pulled me inside. "Itachi" I said looking back, as he smirked. "Have fun" he said, as I growled. "YOU ARE SO DEAD UCHIHA" I shouted, as Shisui sweat dropped and looked at Itachi. "You do realise she meant that" said Shisui, as Itachi smirked. "I know" he said, as Shisui smirked while they walked into the living room.

Meanwhile I was in the room again while my mother, grandmother, Mikoto and Oba-Chan were all working on my wedding dress. "Doesn't she look beautiful?" asked Mikoto "like a princess" said my grandmother, as I smiled nervously. "Now the wedding will be held at the beach and the reception will be held here" said Oba-Chan "Everything is planned out... with your best interests of course. With roses everywhere the only thing we need is a date in mind" said Mikoto, as I paused. "Uh, well I would like to talk to Itachi about this” I said, as they all smiled. "Now let's get you changed back and have dinner to discuss everything" said my mother, as I sighed. We walked out and we paused seeing Lyle and Sasuke torturing Shisui on the ground. "Lyle/Sasuke" said Mikoto and my mother, as they sighed and stopped. "Don't leave me again with them" said Shisui hiding behind me "Gezz, Shisui be a man already" said Lyle "Seriously you try with so many other girls" said Sasuke I sighed and paused seeing Itachi sleeping on the couch. I walked over to him and cuddled next to him. Itachi paused slowly opening his eyes and smirked looking at me cuddling next to him. "Itachi" said Oba-Chan, as he paused and looked at her. "Decided on a date" she said, as he paused. "Huh?" questioned Shisui, as she sighed hitting Shisui's head. "For the wedding" said Mikoto, as Itachi rolled his eyes. "I did just get home you know" said Itachi "Yes, but we have been waiting for years" said my mother "And we have been waiting to see our great Grandchildren" said my grandmother, as I looked at Itachi seeing him growling. "I'm going out" said Itachi standing up and I looked at him sadly. "Damn that boy" said Fugaku, as Shisui looked at me and I lowered my head. "I'll go... talk to him" I said getting up and walking out the door. I started walking around and paused seeing Itachi sitting at a cafe lowering his head. I walked in and walked over to him. "Itachi" I said, as he stopped and glanced at me. "You mad at me?" he asked, as I sat across from him. "No... I mean we've only been with each other for two days after you been gone for like a year" I said, as he stayed quiet. "Itachi... are you sure you want to marry me?" I asked, as he stopped and looked at me shocked. "I mean... if you feel like your being pressured tell me, I don't want to make you unhappy" I said, as I paused seeing him getting up and sitting beside me. He cupped my face and I paused as he showed me tears crawling down my face. I paused and looked at him. "Chie... I love you, you know that" he said, as I lowered my eyes. "Are you sure? Are you sure it's not because you have to" I said, as Itachi stopped. "Chie" he said, as I turned my head. "No I'm stupid forget it" I said standing up, but I paused as Itachi pulled me back down. "Chie, I want you to marry me" he said, as I paused. "Really?" I asked, as he smirked and kissed my lips. I smiled slowly kissing him back and we just made-out in that booth for like a half an hour. "Ah-hem" said a voice, as we stopped and Itachi narrowed his eyes seeing Deidara along with Ayame who was smiling nervously. "What?" asked Itachi narrowing his eyes, as Deidara growled at him. "Uh, Chie we still have to decide on the menu right... you said you would help me" she said, as I nodded. They sat down in front of us and I paused. "You two are actually getting married" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "You got a problem with that?" shouted Deidara "Hey why not have a double wedding" I said "oh my gosh that sounds awesome" said Ayame, as we stopped feeling a torturous gloom coming from Itachi and Deidara "No fucking way" said Deidara "I actually agree with the idiot" said Itachi, as we giggled. "Hai, hai" I said kissing Itachi, as he paused and kissed me back. "Gross" said Deidara turning his head. When we broke the kiss Itachi closed his eyes. "Six Months" he said, as we paused looking at him. "Six months?" I questioned "I'll marry you in six months" he said, as I blushed and Ayame squealed.  "Oh my gosh, awesome" said Ayame, as Deidara growled. "Can we go... please" said Deidara, as Ayame sighed. "Yeah okay" she said, as we waved good-bye to each other. I looked at Itachi seeing him leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "Itachi" I said, as he eyed me. "When we do get married and... stuff... how many kids do you want?" I asked, as he completely stopped and looked at me shocked. "What?" he said, as I paused and shook my head. "Never mind, I'm hungry let's get something to eat at home" I said, as I blushed when he tilted my chin towards him. "Five" he said, as I stopped and my eyes widened. "Five" I said, as he chuckled. "Give or take one or two" he said, as I just sat there looking at him, as he leaned in close kissing my neck. "Three" I said, as he paused and looked at me pouting. "The highest I'm going is three" I said, as he smirked and kissed my lips and I kissed him back. "We'll see you might change your mind" he whispered, as I growled a bit. We then paused as Itachi's cell phone rang. He sighed and looked at it. "We could always elope" I said, as Itachi stopped and looked at me. "Do you really want to?" he asked, as I giggled. "It doesn't matter to me" I said, as he paused and sighed closing his eyes. "No... I don't want to be in any more shit" he said, as I giggled and kissed him.

To Be Continued....

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