Weekday Party

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During lunch I was looking at my notes and I paused as a hand was waved into my face. I looked seeing Ayame tilting her head to the side. "You okay?" she asked, as I smiled nervously. "Yeah, just thinking... sorry" I said, as she smiled. "It's okay" she said, as I smiled nervously. "You stayed up late again didn't you?" said a voice, as I paused and turned my head seeing Itachi. "I'm sorry do I know you? I did know someone who looked like you but I know he would call if he was running late for school" I said turning my head away and closing my eyes. He sighed and closed his eyes. "Okay, I get it your pissed because I ditched you to study yesterday" said Itachi sitting next to me and closing his eyes. "No, I'm pissed at you because you ditched me at the last minute and you ditched me at the last minute again this morning" I said turning my head away. "Chie I have my priorities" he said, as I growled. "Oh? And I don't?" I said, as he sighed closing his eyes. "Chie" he said, as I growled and stood up. "No forget it, I'm not a priority so I'll leave, come on Ayame" I said standing up from my seat, as she looked at me and nodded doing the same. "Chie" said Itachi, as I ignored him and we walked outside and stopped behind a tree. I sat down and Ayame looked down at me. "I take it that was Itachi" she said, as I closed my eyes. "Yeah" I said, as she sat down in front of me. "He seems nice" she said, as I lowered my eyes. "Too bad I'm stupid" I said, as she tilted her head. "What do you mean?" she asked, as I shook my head. "Forget it, it's not important" I said, as we paused when a shadow came over us. "Hey Chie" said a voice, as we looked seeing Hidan. "What?" I asked, as he smirked and gave me a flyer. "Sasori is holding a big party tonight, you should go, get away from Uchiha for once" he said, as I narrowed my eyes and looked at the flyer. "What do you say Ayame?" I asked, as her eyes widened. "Eh?! But-but I just moved here" she said, as Hidan smirked and cupped her face. "What better way to show off your stuff" he said, as Ayame blushed bright red and hid her face. "O-okay" she said, as I smirked. "Alright see you there Hidan" I said, as he smirked and walked away. "Thanks" I said, as Ayame stopped and looked at me. "Not a lot of people would do this for me, let alone a girl whose supposed to be my friend" I said, as she smiled. "No problem" she said, as I smiled sadly. After school I ran home and finished my homework as fast as possible. Once finished I put on a silky black dress, high heels, and put my contacts in. I sighed getting my purse and finally looked at myself in the mirror. I won't be a burden to him anymore. I gulped walking out the door locking it behind me. I made my way to Sasori's place and smiled seeing Ayame fidgeting with her fingers. "Ready to go in?" I asked, as she jumped while freaking out. "Don't do that" she said, as I smiled nervously. She then paused and looked at me up and down. "You look so different without glasses" she said, as I smiled. "Thanks... I think" I said, as I knocked on the door. It opened and Sasori looked at us. "Chie your just in time, and this is?" he asked "Ayame the new girl" I said, as he smirked closing his eyes. "Kinky" he said, as Ayame looked at me. "Kinky?" she questioned, as I smirked. "He's trying to freak you out, don't worry it's his way" I said, as she nodded while we walked in. There were tons of people from our school and the music was blasting loud.

After a few hours of dancing and drinking. I paused looking at Ayame seeing her wobbling everywhere. "Oi Ayame how much did you have to drink?" I asked, as she shrugged. "I don't know but I know I am a light weight" she said, as I slapped my forehead. Now she tells me. I sat her down on a chair and gave her some water. Soon the party was over and the only people who were left were Sasori, Pein, Zetsu, Kakuzu, Ayame, and myself. "So Chie" said Kakuzu, as I looked at him. "Word is Itachi doesn't know your here" he said, as I paused. "So? I can handle myself" I said, as Sasori smirked while closing his eyes. "Right like what happened when that guy stole your purse" he said, as I growled. "Hey, that was totally different he caught me off guard" I shouted, as they chuckled closing their eyes. I growled and turned my head. This is why I hated Itachi's new college friends. They always teased me about everything and it was really none of their business but for some reason Itachi tells them everything anyway. "Ayame you ready to go?" I asked, as her eyes widened and she threw up on the floor. "Ah ew" said Zetsu, as I sighed. I put her arm around my shoulder. "Later" I said walking out of Sasori's house. "Wanna stay over at my place?" I asked, as I looked at her already sleeping. I dragged Ayame back to my apartment and laid her on my couch. I put a bucket beside her just in case and I placed an extra blanket over her. I sighed sitting on the other end of the couch and looked at the T.V. I was debating to put on or not. I finally decided not and I went to bed. I woke up hearing the sound of my alarm. I held my head and turned off my alarm. "Note to self NEVER GO ON A WEEKDAY PARTY" I shouted getting changed. I got up and looked seeing Ayame sleeping soundly on my bed. I sighed sitting in my dining room and looked at my breakfast. I then paused as the door knocked. I looked at it and walked over to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Itachi. I groaned and opened the door. "Hey" I said, as he glared at me. "Why the hell did I get a call from Kisame saying you were at Sasori's party last night?" he asked, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "Because I was at Sasori's party last night" I said holding my head. "Damn it Chie just because your angry at me doesn't give you an excuse to act like an idiot and worst of all to drag the new student into this" he said pointing at Ayame still asleep on my couch. "I didn't force her to come she wanted to come with me and so what if I was acting like an idiot, I'm not a priority remember" I said, as he glared at me and I grabbed my bag and lunch. "Where are you going?" he asked, as I glared at him. "To school, now your priority is to take care of Ayame for me... if you can handle it" I said slamming the door to my apartment.

During lunch I was sitting at a table and paused seeing Ayame holding her head. "Hey sorry I left you with Uchiha" I said, as she smiled nervously. "It's okay I kind of heard everything" she said, as I lowered my head. "Sorry" I said, as she smiled and sat down. "So, uh what now?" she asked, as I looked at her and took out bunched of paper. "Here I took notes for you" I said, as she smiled. "Your a life saver" she said, as I smiled sadly. "Hey Chie" said Shisui sitting next to me. "Don't even, I knew it was you calling to tell Kisame what I was doing, you are such a bastard" I said, as he sighed. "You weren't even supposed to be at a party like that" he said, as I growled. "Oh and your supposed to go out with so many girls on a daily basis" I said, as he sighed closing his eyes. "Chie, you know Itachi and I would never forgive ourselves if anything bad happened to you" said Shisui, as I lowered my eyes. "More you than Uchiha" I said, as he sighed. "Your still calling him by his last name" said Shisui, as I growled. "He's pissing me off" I said, as Shisui sighed closing his eyes. "Same here" said a voice, as I growled seeing Itachi with Deidara. "Oh look who finally graced us with his presence do we need to wipe down your seat for you?" I asked, as Shisui sighed and punched my head and I growled at him. "Why do you always stick up for him?" I asked, as Shisui narrowed his eyes. "Because he has a reason to act the way he does you don't" he said, as I turned my head away. Deidara then elbowed Itachi. "Don't make me" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "So, Chie whose your friend?" asked Deidara, as I paused and narrowed my eyes. "Forget it blondie, your not getting into her pants you pervert" I said, as Ayame blushed bright red and Deidara growled. "Chie your embarrassing Ayame" said Shisui, as I  looked at her. "Eh, sorry Ayame" I said, as she smiled nervously. "It's okay" she said holding up her hands. "So we're having movie night right?" I asked, as Ayame smiled. "I'm in" she said "Same" said Shisui, as I turned to Itachi. "Sorry I'm studying" he said, as I lowered my head. "Studying? You have a mee-" Deidara was about to say, but Itachi elbowed him in the gut. "A mee?" I questioned, as Itachi narrowed his eyes. "Forget him, I have to go" he said walking away. Why is he always keeping things from me?

To Be Continued...

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