Dating a Six Year Old

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The next day Itachi woke up seeing Chie still sleeping. He then paused as the door opened and he saw Mikoto, Fugaku and Sasuke. "Is it true?" asked Sasuke, as Itachi slowly nodded. Everyone paused seeing Chie opening her eyes. "Chi-Chi?" questioned Chie, as Itachi held her hand. "I'm right here" he said, as Chie paused. "Chie you remember Mikoto and Fugaku--san" said Itachi, as Chie paused tilting her head to the side. "Chi-Chi what happened to Fugaku-san" said Chie pointing, as Itachi sweat dropped a bit. "Nothing, nothing" he said, as Chie paused looking at Sasuke. "Sa-sa?" questioned Chie, as Sasuke blushed turning his head. "What's going on Chi-Chi?" asked Chie having her eyes starting to water. Itachi just sat there not knowing what to say. Mikoto sighed walking over and she placed her hand on Chie's head. "Don't cry Chie-Chan, a lot has happened and some of us have aged quite a bit because you were sleeping" said Mikoto, as Chie started to sniff. "But we're all here and we all love you and that's the most important thing" said Mikoto, as Chie turned her head seeing everyone smiling at her. "Now let's get you dressed" said Mikoto, as Chie smiled. "Okay Mikoto-san" said Chie pulling up her shirt. Mikoto pulled it down and glared at the boys to get out. "Oh right, come on boys" said Fugaku, as Itachi narrowed his eyes at his dad not believing how much of a pervert he was for almost trying to catch a glimpse of his girl changing. Mikoto helped Chie get changed and they walked out. "Mikoto-san, after I sleep over will my mommy come get me?" asked Chie, as Mikoto paused. "Chie-Chan your mommy went on an adult vacation and she left you with us" said Mikoto, as Chie paused. "What about Lyle?" asked Chie "He's gone to see your grandma and grandpa because you wanted to stay with Chi-Chi and Shi" she said, as Chie paused. "Oh, okay" smiled Chie, as Mikoto smiled. When arriving at the estate Chie ran into Itachi's room. She stopped and looked around. "CHI-CHI YOU'VE BEEN ROBBED" shouted Chie, as Itachi paused looking around. "What do you mean?" asked Itachi "All your Pokémon action figures and…and DBZ action figures and …and posters all gone" she said, as Itachi smiled nervously. "Actually I gave then to Sasuke, he wanted them so I let him have it" he said, as Chie paused. "That was dumb Chi-Chi" said Chie with a straight face. "Here Chie-Chan" said Shisui walking in and showing a bunch of action figures. "Cool Shi when did you get this one?" I asked picking some out.  "I got that a month ago it has a cool fighting pose" he said, as Chie's eyes sparkled. "Eh, show me" she said, as he smirked and Itachi sighed closing his eyes. "I can't take much more of this" whispered Itachi, as they paused when Inabi and Tekka opened the door. "Is it true?" asked Inabi, as Itachi growled. Chie paused and smiled. "Inu and Te-te" she said smiling, as they blushed looking at her. "Inu you got a big boo-boo" she said pointing, as he blushed and shrugged. "I know Chie-Chan will kiss it all better" said Chie, as their eyes widened. "Chie-Chan" said Itachi grabbing her wrists, as she paused and blinked a few times. "You already kissed it better before going to the hospital" said Itachi, as Chie paused. "Okay" she said, as Inabi growled. "Don't even think I don't know what your up to Inabi" said Itachi, as he growled. "Ah-hem" said a voice, as they looked seeing Ayame and Deidara. "I have the solution" said Deidara showing four tickets to a scary movie. "Another double date" said Deidara, as Chie paused. "Chi-Chi what's a date?" asked Chie, as Itachi sighed. "It's when you go to different places with just a boy and a girl alone together" he said, as Chie paused and smiled. "I want to go on a date with Chi-Chi" she said happily, as Itachi blushed. "Then let's go" said Deidara, as Itachi sighed.

The four of them got to the movie theatre and Itachi paused seeing Chie shaking a bit. "Chi-Chi I'm scared" she said, as Itachi paused and cupped her face. "It's alright Chie-Chan I'm here" he whispered, as Chie nodded and screamed a bit when a scary part in the movie showed up. After the movie Chie hugged onto Itachi's arm. "Chi-Chi I don't want to do that again" said Chie, as Itachi nodded. "Chie-Chan let's go eat some sweets" said Ayame, as Chie smiled. "Okay" she said, as they ran to the cafe. "This isn't working" said Itachi "You have to be patient" said Deidara, as Itachi glared at him. "This coming from the guy who asked the new girl out her second week of being here" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "Itachi" said Ayame, as he paused and looked at her. Deidara and Itachi looked at each other and ran into the cafe. Itachi paused seeing the waiter from last time holding onto her wrist. "Look I just want to know" he said, as Chie was whimpering. Itachi growled and grabbed the waiter by the collar. "Leave her alone" said Itachi, as the waiter glared at him. "And who are you?" he asked, as Itachi glared at him. "I'm her boyfriend now get lost" he said, as the waiter paused and bowed his head. "I'm sorry I had no idea" he said almost running away. Itachi looked at Chie sniffing. He took out a tissue and handed it to her. She looked at it and smiled. "Thank you Chi-Chi" she said, as he nodded. She paused seeing his face gloomy and sad. "Don't be sad Chi-Chi" said Chie, as she smiled and hugged him. "See Chie-Chan is fine" she said, as Itachi hugged her while closing his eyes. When done eating Itachi took Chie back to the estate and Mikoto smiled looking at them. "Chie-Chan I bought you the cutest outfit" she said, as Itachi narrowed his eyes. "Mom" said Itachi, as Mikoto smiled grabbing her hand. Itachi sighed walking into the living room and sat down on the couch. "How are you holding up?" asked Shisui, as Itachi sighed holding his head. "I'm not" he said, as Shisui nodded. "I don't know how much longer I can do this Shisui... it's killing me to resist her... I need her back Shi" he said, as Shisui lowered his eyes. Shisui knew that whenever Itachi started calling him Shi he was really upset. "Here she is" said Mikoto, as they looked at Itachi blushed seeing Chie is a black kimono that showed her shoulders and the kimono had the Uchiha symbol on the back. "Well?" asked Mikoto "You look cute Chie-Chan" said Shisui, as Chie smiled. Then paused seeing Itachi get up and walk passed her. "Chi-Chi?" questioned Chie, as Itachi closed the door behind him to his room. Chie walked to the door opening it seeing Itachi lying on his bed with a pillow over his face. "Chi-Chi" she said, as he just stayed there. Chi-Chi walked in and closed the door behind her and walked over to Itachi. "Chi-Chi" said Chie again, as she removed the pillow and her eyes widened seeing Itachi with tears crawling down his face. "Please Chie I want to be alone" he said, as Chie lowered her head and walked into the bathroom. She paused looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. She lowered her head and she growled pulling off the kimono. She turned around and she stopped seeing a tattoo on her lower back. She then lightly placed her hand on it while looking in the mirror. Suddenly flashes of her memory came into her head. Chie stopped and sat on the ground.

Chie's POV

I breathed heavily and touched my head. 'Itachi' was all that came into my head. I put my kimono back on and slowly opened the door seeing Itachi asleep. I looked seeing my suitcase and opened it seeing all my clothes. I then took a pill and locked Itachi's door to his room. "Chi-Chi" I whispered, as he didn't move. I walked over to him and hovered over him. "Chi-Chi" I whispered again and Itachi slowly opened his eyes. "Chie please don't" he said, as I smirked and cupped his face. "Why not?" I asked, as he growled. "Because I said so" he said, as I sighed and kissed his neck. Itachi's eyes widened and he looked at me shocked. "Chie-Chan" he said, as I giggled and placed my hands on his hip. "I love you" I whispered, as Itachi just looked at the ceiling be founded. "Itachi I want you" I said, as he cupped my face and kissed my lips and I smiled kissing him back. My eyes then widened as Itachi licked the bottom of my lips and I blushed letting him inside my mouth. Itachi was exploring every inch of my mouth and I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation.

To Be Continued...

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