A Mind of a Six Year Old

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I slammed the door and sat on my bed. I pulled my knees to my face and just glared at the bookshelf. I paused as the door opened and looked seeing Itachi. "Hey" he said closing the door behind him, as I kept quiet. "Oh, giving me the silent treatment huh" he said, as I growled turning my head. I then paused as Itachi cupped my face and made me look at him. "No" I growled turning my head away. Itachi sighed but kissed my neck. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry" I whispered, as he smirked and kissed my lips. "Don't be" he whispered, as I smiled. He laid me down and I giggled as he started nibbling on my ear. Pretty soon I fell asleep. After my tattoo healed I got up one morning and paused seeing Itachi gone. I got up and looked around. "He went to the grocery store" said Shisui reading the newspaper, as I nodded. "Ayame and Deidara went out on a date" he said, as I nodded again. "Hey Shisui where's the photo album of us when we were six?" I asked, as he paused. "In the garage I think why?" he asked, as I smiled. "Going down memory lane" I said walking towards the garage. I looked seeing that they were on the top shelf. I grunted standing on my tippy toes and grabbed the book. My eyes then widened as the bookshelf came leaning on me. "SHISUI" I shouted, but the bookshelf crashed onto me causing me to pass out.

Third Person POV

Shisui's eyes widened pushing the book shelf off of Chie. He ran to get the phone and he took her to the hospital. The doctor and nurses to her into emergency within minutes Itachi came crashing into the hospital, along with Deidara and Ayame. "What happened?" asked Itachi, as Shisui lowered his head. "It's my fault" said Shisui, as Itachi punched his head. "Idiot don't blame yourself" he said, as Shisui nodded still unsure. Everyone waited in the waiting lounge just hoping to hear something. Everyone then stopped seeing a doctor walking out. "Your waiting for Chie-Chan right?" he asked, as everyone paused but nodded. "The good news is there is no crucial injuries, however it seems she has caught a case of amnesia" he said, as everyone's eyes widened. "Her brain has seem forgotten everything until she was six" he said, as everyone stopped. "Wait a minute are you saying she has a mind of a six year old" said Deidara "Yes, so I'm going to have to contact her parents" said the doctor, as everyone paused. "Her mother isn't nearby and no one knows where her father is" said Itachi, as the doctor paused. "Oh dear, well how about this Chi-Chi or Shi?" he questioned, as the doctor paused. "She says she wants to see them" said the doctor, as Itachi and Shisui walked up. The doctor nodded and started walking them down the hallway. "Now please be careful what you say, she is confused and if her brain is forced to remember it could cause a lot of trauma" said the doctor, as Shisui and Itachi nodded. Everyone paused as they heard crying and whining. The doctor opened the door and Itachi and Shisui paused seeing Chie crying. "Easy Chie-Chan" said the doctor, as Chie was shaking. "Chie-Chan I brought Chi-Chi and Shi" said the doctor, as Chie paused looking at Itachi and Shisui. "Chi-Chi" cried Chie, as she jumped into Itachi's arms, and his eyes widened catching her. "I want to go home Chi-Chi" she sniffled, as Itachi paused looking at the doctor who shook his head. "Chie-Chan you have to stay here for a bit" he said, as Chie's eyes started to water. "But I want to go home Mommy says that Daddy should be coming to see me soon and Lyle can't go unless I'm there" she sniffed, as Itachi placed her on the bed and he sat in front of her. "The doctor says you have to stay here a bit longer, but then we can go home" said Itachi, as Chie smiled. "Okay Chi-Chi" she said smiling, as Itachi lowered his head a bit. "Chi-Chi you sick?" asked Chie, as he paused looking at her. He blushed as she placed her forehead against his. "I'm fine" he said, as Chie smiled. "Shi" said Chie, as he smirked and walked over. "Ew you smell funny what you put on doggy do-do?" she asked, as Itachi snickered a bit covering his mouth. "I'm glad you find this funny" said Shisui, as Itachi turned his head. "Chi-Chi, Shi you'll stay with me right? I don't want to be alone" said Chie, as Itachi smiled placing his hand on hers. "We won't leave you Chie" he said, as Chie-Chan puffed her cheeks. "Nah-uh it's Chie-Chan" she said, as Itachi smirked and kissed her forehead. Chie blushed and paused a bit. "Ew" said Chie shaking her head, as Itachi paused. "Yuck coodies" she said wiping off her head. "Seriously Chi-Chi what were you thinking?" asked Shisui, as Itachi growled. "Alright, should I ask the others to come in?" asked the doctor, as Itachi paused. "Uh, yeah" said Itachi "Others?" questioned Chie, as she paused seeing Deidara and Ayame walk in. "How is she?" asked Ayame, as Itachi looked at her. "Sure enough she's six" said Itachi, as Chie puffed her cheeks and pinched his cheeks. "Your six years old too Chi-Chi, don't pretend you so smart, you smarty pants" she said, as Itachi grabbed her wrists and he paused seeing her turning her head while growling. "Chie-Chan this is Aya-Chan and Deidei" said Shisui "oi don't make up nicknames for me" shouted Deidara, as Chie looked at them. "Shi" said Chie, as he looked at her. "Is Deidei a girl?" asked Chie, as Shi snickered. "No, no he's a boy" said Shisui, as Chie looked at him. "He's an ugly boy" she said, as Shisui and Itachi snickered. "Shut up" he said, as Chie started having water in her eyes. "Chi-Chi" cried Chie, as she started crying. Itachi paused and placed her hand on her head. "It's okay Chie-Chan" said Itachi "Whoa I didn't know Chie was so small and fragile when she was six" said Ayame "That's because around that time everyone was teasing her about everything and all she wanted to do was stay home and play games with us" said Shisui, as Ayame lowered her eyes. We paused as the doctor came back in. "Alright the tests are completed she should be able to go home tomorrow" said the doctor, as Chie smiled and clapped her hands. "Yay home tomorrow" she said, as Itachi paused. "Uh, Chie why don't you sleepover at Shi and my place tomorrow, you know Mikoto-san and Fugaku-san haven't seen you in a long time" said Itachi, as Chie paused. "Can I see Sa-sa too?" asked Chie, as Itachi smiled. "Yeah" he said, as Chie smiled and hugged him. "Alright I think that's enough visiting today" said the doctor "Shi and Chi-Chi are sleeping over" said Chie smiling, as the doctor paused. "I'm afraid only one is allow to stay over" said the doctor, as Chie started sniffing while water in her eyes. Shi walked over and placed his hand on her head. "Don't worry Chie-Chan when you come over we'll have the best sleepover ever" he said, as Chie smiled. "Okay Shi" she said, as he smirked and walked out with Deidara and Ayame. Itachi turned to Chie and tucked her into bed. "Chi-Chi are you mad at me?" asked Chie, as Itachi paused and placed his hand on her head. "No Chie-Chan, I'm not" he said, as Chie smiled and fell asleep and Itachi lowered his head shaking his fists.

To Be Continued...

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