"I love you"

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                         Ella's POV

"How long till people start arriving?" I apply a small amount of lipstick to my lips and look at Louis in the mirror of my dressing table.

"About half an hour" he says seemingly nervous. I guess it's the first party he's thrown that means something to him.

We've been in the house for three weeks now and everything is how we want it. All the rooms are decorated to our taste, this is our home. We are currently waiting on the final court documents to say daisy will be in Louis' care full time and I couldn't be happier.

"You'll need to get Daisy up soon then or she'll sleep through the party and won't sleep tonight" I purse my lips together to even out my lipstick.

"Yeah I'll go and sort her out in a minute" he fiddles with his fingers.

"What's up? You seem nervous?" I question turning around on my dressing stool.

"No nothing" he snaps "I mean I guess I'm a little nervous I want this day to go well. You know?" He changes his tone.

"It will go well, I promise you. Daisy's family will be here and she's going to have an amazing first birthday" I smile and join him on the bed.

"We have half hour to spare" he winks.

"No" I laugh "Come on you get daisy up and dressed and I'll start setting the food out" I kiss him on the lips and walk out the room.

Downstairs I'm setting out all the food and drinks on the dining room table ready for our guests. I haven't let on to Louis but I'm so nervous. I'll be meeting Harry's parents today for the first time and I wonder how they'll react to me. Not one of Louis' family is invited for obvious reasons.

I stop when I hear the doorbell ring, looking at the time it's fifteen minutes early and I haven't prepared myself. I walk to the door and take in a deep breath, plastering a smile on my face I open the door and let out a sigh when I see Harry.

"Oh it's only you" I breath.

"Only me? Gee thanks" he brushes past me.

"I didn't mean it like that. I mean it's you as in I know you" I close the door and greet Harry with a small hug.

"Where's the birthday girl?" He says as he places two full bags of presents down.

"Louis is getting her ready upstairs, you can go up if you like" I take the bags and walk off into the front room where we are hosting the party.

Louis' POV

"Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream-"

"Voice of an angel" Harry blurts out as I'm trying to get Daisy dressed.

"You're early" I clip a small bow into her curly hair.

"Yea thought I'd come and see how your holding up" he walks over to the changing table and says hello to Daisy.

"Shitting myself mate, what if she says no?" I place Daisy on the floor to play with her toys.

"Are you mad? Of course she's going to say yes. So I take it you got the ring?" He asks.

I dive into my pocket and pull out a small box and open it for Harry to inspect. I watch he face as I wait for his reaction.

"Jesus Lou, it's fucking stunning. How much did that set you back?" He takes the box out of my hand to take a closer look.

"Let's just say i could of brought another fucking house" I say.

Harry hands me back the ring, "is everything sorted?" He asks.

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