"I'm here for you, now and forever"

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Ella's POV

I take another small bite out of the toast Louis has given me for breakfast and I blow over the top of my cup of tea. I watch as Louis slowly eats his toast while looking through his phone, we haven't really spoken after last night. I have so many questions to ask him but when is a good time? Whatever time I choose it will earn me a snappy reply and no answered questions.

"What are you doing?" I say to break the silence, his eyes dart up from his phone to meet mine briefly then they dart back down and he continues to read.

"Catching up on work emails" he simply replies.

"For your other clubs and hotels?" I take a sip of my tea.

"Yes" he doesn't break from the stare to his phone.

Why is he always so blunt, it's like he doesn't like having conversations or that he doesn't know how too.

"I can't take this any longer!" I slam my tea down which earns me a quick side look from Louis.

"Talk to me! Tell me what's going through your head, what the hell happened last night? You behaved like an idiot" I rest my elbows on the table and cover my face with my hands. Why does being in a relationship have to be so hard with Louis. It can't always be a one way thing, he needs to give me a little in return.

"I got fucked off because that creep was talking to you, he obviously didn't have any respect for you and that pissed me off" he places his phone down.

"And that meant you could beat the crap out of him?" I shout


"No! No it doesn't. You didn't have to act like that, you got arrested Louis! Do you not see the issue here?" I shake my head.

"It's not the first time I've been arrested. Don't worry babe, let it go over your head. I was doing it because I was protecting you" he stands and finishes his tea.

"Are we going to talk about how this isn't the first time you've been arrested. Are you going to tell me what happened before?" I stay seated, firmly seated in my chair.

Louis stops suddenly and turns to me, "NO, we don't talk about before. What is the past stays there. No one, not even you have the right to talk about my past with me. Let's go"

My eyes widen at Louis' outburst towards me, I thought we were getting somewhere.

"I want to know, I have the right to know why you are like the way you are. If you want me to be in a serious relationship then you need to open the fuck up Louis!" I snap.

"I'm not fucking ready to go back there! You don't understand the hell I've been though. Now stop talking about it and come on" he walks towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" I slowly stand. I don't want to give in but I know right now he's not going to talk.

"I'm dropping you home, unless you want your new friend Harry to come and collect you?" He snaps as he walks out the door.

I quickly follow him, "what else was I meant to do? My boyfriend had just got arrested and I had no way of getting to you. My only friend had been drinking I needed a lift"

"What a taxi wasn't good enough?" He unlocks his car.

"Why are you so difficult to work with Louis!" I huff as I get into his car.

Louis starts the car up and pulls out of his driveway, "Maybe you should ask my parents as to why I'm the way I am" he simply says as he turns the radio up so loud I can barely hear myself think.

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