"You've never been fucked?"

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I end the call with Diane and log off my phone. I decide to go on to my profile to see my income last night. Although they won't send it to my bank until Friday as that's the company's pay day. I can still access my earnings. I put in all the details asked and open my profile up. I go onto earnings and brace myself for the amount on it nine hundred pounds. I cover my mouth. Nine hundred pounds for one nights work. There are a few tips included there which are referenced under 'gift' most of them are between one -five pounds. But the last gift stands out 'six hundred pounds' I can't believe it.

He must of really enjoyed talking to me, I'm glad as hopefully that means he'll ring me again.

I calm myself down by drinking the entire bottle of wine, when I feel satisfied I decide to log on again. It's eleven at night one of the busiest times. So I'll be able to make up some good money. I'm even more determined now to get good tips so I'll put extra effort in.

I take a few calls, they are normal sex chats nothing out the ordinary. I also get a few odd requests which I happily obliged. It's amazing how much fun I have. I decide to open another bottle of wine and after drinking half the bottle I'm pretty drunk. Which makes me super confident and I use language that I never knew I had in me.

I make my way into my room with the last of the wine In my glass chatting away to Peter on the phone. I giggle at his sex talk and slowly make him finish. Making sure I hold on to the call for as long as I can.

I put the phone down and have forgotten about my mystery caller until my phone rings again.

I answer "Hello big boy. Looking forward to your hard thick cock pounding my pussy" I smoulder into the phone and take a long sip of my wine. I lay back and watch the ceiling spin under my glare.

"You seem to of got into the spirit well" I hear his voice. I sit up and swallow the wine in my mouth and let out a little cough. It's him.

"Oh Er Hi" I shyly answer to him.

His light laugh sends vibrations through my body.

"Hey. Had a good night?" He soothly speaks.

"Yeah. I have actually. It's fun talking dirty" I snigger at the memories of tonight and all my callers.

"Is it?" He questions

"Yeah I never knew half the things people done. It's sexy and fun. I wonder why I haven't done it yet" I laugh drinking the rest of my wine. The wine makes me feel good, sexy even.

"It?" He sounds confused.

"Yeah you know fucking, pounding, getting rammed by a cock" I laugh. My mouth surprises me again. Then I suddenly realise I've just confessed I've never had sex.

"You've never been fucked?" He sounds surprised.

"Er I mean. Of course I have I mean I don't know" I stuttered. He's going to think I'm stupid I haven't had sex at my age. He'll probably think I'm ugly now and no one wants me.

"You mean you're a virgin?" He sounds amused.

"Yes" I squeak.

There is silence on the line. I know he's about to hang up. I've ruined it he'll never speak to me again. I suddenly feel a gut feeling in my stomach like a loss I never knew I had.

"Well that's the most sexy thing I've heard on this chat line before" he deeply says.


"It is?" I answer.

"Yes. You innocent little virgin" he coos through the phone.

I suddenly feel like a fraud, like I've been selling something fake. But he seems to like that.

The man on the end of the line // L.TWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu