"No one likes a beggar"

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(Violence in this chapter)

Ella's POV

I panic, there is nothing else to do other than panic. I scream, I open my mouth the widest it can go and I let out the most high pitch scream I can muster before Leah comes rushing over and kicks me in the jaw.

"Shut the fuck up!" She screams.

"W-What do you want? I don't have much money but I'll give you everything in my bank. Please I'm begging you please don't hurt me" I bring my hands together in the praying position. I've never believed in god but right now I could use some help.

"No one likes a beggar" she spits at me.

I'm so confused I know this is Leah but for the last month she's been Grace; nice, sweet Grace.

I start to cry. I've never been so terrified in my entire life. I have no idea what she could do to me. Will she kill me? I'm not ready to die I've so much more to give, so much more I want to achieve.

"Oh my god. When I brought Daisy up that's why you left" I gasp and look up at her.

"No shit Sherlock. I just wanted to rip my baby from your dirty whore hands. How dare you touch our baby!" She slaps me across the face.

The sting lingers for a few seconds. I've never been attacked like this. I can't even think straight right now. I'm going to die.

" I'm sorry. Please Gr-Leah. I'm begging you. I'll do anything" I wait for another blow but it doesn't come. Instead I look up and see her sitting on the wooden chair in front of me, she takes a sip of water and watches me.

"It's girls like you that get in the way" she sneers "I've done it before and I'll do it again. I will get rid of you all. All of you that come between me and him"

I don't understand by what she means, who has she done this too? Does Louis know about this. Will he know she's got me here?

"I didn't mean to come between you. I didn't know you still had feelings for him" I'm cut off with a kick to the stomach.

"HE has feelings for me! It's not a one way train here. We both know we are meant to be together. He can't deny that he didn't love me. He made love to me. We had amazing sex" she grabs my face in her hands "have you made that connection yet?" She smirks "You don't know how amazing he is, the way he moves inside me. That's only for me to know. ME!" she holds onto my face and rams my head against the wall behind me multiple times.

I let out a scream and start crying. I can't stop the fearful tears running down my face. And I can't lie and say what she said didn't hurt. She's had Louis where I want him, she's felt him more than I have and that kills me, she has the upper hand.

"You were a fucking bet! Nothing more you fucked up bitch!" I shout. I have nothing to loose now, I may as well fight.

"What did you say?" She growls.

"You. Were. A. BET! A game to louis. That's it, that's all you ever will be..a mistake. He has no feelings. He doesn't love you! You can't force someone to feel that. If he wanted you he would be with you but you're a psycho!" I scream. I feel the blood trickling down the back of my head, I also feel a little lightheaded from the impact to the wall.

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