"Go on then jump!"

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                     Harry's POV

"Jesus Christ!" I slam my fist against the steering wheel of my car.

This can't be happening we were so fucking close to forever Louis being happy for once! After visiting the clinic myself I found out Leah had been picked up half a mile from Louis' house and taken back.

I didn't want to see her, I know she's my sister but she's a bad person. She doesn't deserve my time. I now have to concentrate on Louis. I know where he is, I've been there countless times but I feel this time is different and I don't think just me being there is enough. I don't have much time but I need to pick someone up along the way.

I pull up to the apartments and make my way to her door knocking quietly hoping someone will answer.

The door opens and a young girl who assume is Hayley is standing in front of me.

"Hello sorry to pass by could I speak to Ella please?"

The girl looks me up and down "she's not taking visitors. Who are you?" She frowns.

"Harry Styles. Please could you let her know it's me" I beg.

"Ella a Harry Styles is at the door" she shouts not breaking eye contact.

There is a long silent pause before Ella stands in front of me. She is far from the girl I last saw, her eyes are swollen and red. Her make up is smeared down her face and her hair is matted, a smell I can't quite pin point what is it is coming from her.

"Ella" I weakly smile at her.

"What do you want Harry?" She bluntly speaks.

"I need you to come with me"

"No. I'm not seeing him" she pushes the door closed but I put my foot in the way and slowly push it open against her.

"Please. He needs you right now. I know you hate him with everything you have but one, it's not what you think and two, I know you wouldn't want him to do anything stupid. Right?" I calmly say.

"I don't hate him" she bows her head. I can tell she's hurt, more than that broken but I'm hoping she'll just reach out once more to help him.

"Is he in a bad way?" She asks.

"I'm not going to lie, yes. He's in the worse way I've ever seen. This isn't the right time to talk about it now but I promise you Louis has done nothing wrong but I need you to help me help him. Please if not for me but for Daisy she can't lose another parent" I once again beg.

I watch Ella thinking this over, I know she wants to help but getting her to will be another story.

"I don't know if I can, I can't keep on like this you know? It's just one thing after another and it's too much drama for me. I don't want to be involved in this anymore I'm sorry. I hope Louis finds the help he needs" she slams the door shut before I can protest. I hang my head low and shake it knowing this is going to be ten times harder now. I run back to the car and find a scrap piece of paper, I write where I will be with Louis if she changes her mind. I run it upstairs and slide it under the door before running back to my car and head to Louis.

                           *** *** ***

I take the lift up to the top floor, once I'm there I open the emergency exit door and climb the stairs to the roof. It's bitterly cold when I get up and outside the wind is fierce and only adding to the cold evening. I scan the roof top before I see Louis sitting on the edge with his leg dangling below.

"Why did you come?" He says without turning around.

"Because why wouldn't I?" I walk over to him passing empty vodka bottles along the way.

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