"Men are strange"

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When I finally get out of bed it's noon, I stretch to get my tired body in working order before grabbing my phone from under my pillow.

I check my messages which has no new messages. I then check my emails I have a few notifications for people who have view my advert on the local jobs site but no offers of an interview.

I get up and make a coffee to help my head get ready for the day, a day of doing fuck all I think to myself. I sit down and notice the hallway light is still on which means Hayley hasn't been home. This happens often so I'm not too concerned but I ring her anyway just to make sure she's safe.

"Hey" she yawns through the phone.

"Where are you?" I take a sip of my coffee.

"I'm at Jakes place" she sleepily answers.

Jake is another employee at the restaurant who she sometimes hooks up with. There's no feelings there for her it's just sex but I know for him he's holding onto strings trying to get her to feel the same way he feels about her. Which is deep love.

"Oh right ok. Just checking. See you later?"

"Yeah I'll leave soon" she hangs up.

I have a shower and get dressed after my coffee and sit down in front of the television and watch friends.

I remind myself about last night, it was fun. I definitely could get the hang of it. All this talking for money. Hopefully I'll even learn some pointers for when the time comes and I actually have sex. Then I suddenly remember my last call.

The mystery man who just wanted to chat. I hope he calls me again, I'll definitely log on tonight in hopes that's what happens. I want to know more about him, get to know him.

I spend the day waiting for Hayley to come home because I have no money to go out, she rocks up at four in the afternoon looking a mess.

"Wow he done a number on you" I remark as she walks into the front room.

"Mhmm" she throws herself down on the large round chair opposite me.

"That good huh?" I mute the television so I can hear her without distraction.

"As always. He honestly is the best fuck I've ever had. He could teach you a thing or two" she smiles.

"Gross, he's been in you" I laugh.

"What's wrong with my lovely vagina?" She pretends to look wounded.

"Any way how was last night with you, you know the phone sex" she laughs as she wipes her eyes from makeup still left from yesterday.

"Oh yeah. Actually really good! I really enjoyed it surprisingly" I happily chirp.

"Good. Did you have some right weirdos?" She pulls mascara off her long lashes.

"Yeah but not many, some of them were odd though. Wanting to shit and piss on me, some one even just called up and described how he would rub my feet and paint my nails" I giggle.

"Men are strange" she answers and I nod.

She gets up and walks to her room and grabs a towel and a new change of clothes.

"I'm having a shower and then going to work, sorry I've not been around today. Maybe we will do something tomorrow" she yawns as she went into the bathroom.

"Sure. But I have no money" I shout back. She opens the bathroom door and gestures towards her bag. "Take a look in there you won't believe the tips I got last night. The day out is on me" she closes the door again and I hear the shower turn on.

The man on the end of the line // L.TNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ