"I'm her boyfriend"

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                       Louis' POV

I sit in the uncomfortable chair, I have nothing to do other than to count each and every tube going in and out of her body.

I count each and every breath per minute to make sure she doesn't stop breathing.

And I've counted each second I've waited, waited for her to wake up. To say something so I know she's going to be ok.

The doctors have rung her parents who are on the other side of the world, I've rang Hayley four times now with now answer.

The door opens and in comes two nurses "we need to do some observations, would you mind giving us some privacy" she stands next to Ella's machine and takes down some notes.

Without speaking I get up and walk out the room and down the corridor. I sit down in the coffee shop on the hospital grounds and ring Hayley once more.

"Hello" she finally answers.

"Hayley" I quietly say.

"What's wrong" she instantly sounds panicked.

I don't answer, I just need two seconds to decide what I'm going to say, how I'm going to say it.

"Tell me what's happened? You called me Hayley. Somethings happened hasn't it?" I can hear the shake in her voice.

"It's- Its Ella. She was attacked. It wasn't good for a while but she's stable at the moment. I'm at the Royal London Hospital" I keep my nerves at bay.

"Oh my god. She's going to be ok?" Hayley bursts into tears.

I can't help my own tears from falling, what's happened to me?

"I don't know. I hope so" I sob.

"I'm four fucking hours away! Im leaving wales now. Ring me as soon as anything changes" she hangs up the phone and I'm left sitting in this small lonely cafe crying my heart out.


It's been two hours now since Ella has been out of resus, I know they have operated on her and she's had a blood transfusion. They keep telling me she's stable but I get the feeling there is something else. Something they are not telling me.

I stroke her hair, I cringe at the back of her head. There is a large shaven patch where they have had to stitch up a large wound to her head. She's going to be very upset the back of her head is shaven. I know how much she likes to braid her long hair. This is all my fault, I should of learnt from Georgia I will never be allowed to be happy.

"Mr Tomlinson?" I hear a deep voice snap me out of my thoughts.

I look over my shoulder to see a large man closing the door and stand the other side of Ella. He checks her tubes and fluids and looks up and smiles to me.

"I understand we have contacted her parents but it's unfortunate they can not get here for a few days" he says.

I slowly nod while keeping my eyes on Ella.

"When will she wake up?" I ask.

"It's hard to say, we induced her into a coma for a short while. She is off all drugs now only pain relief so it's just a matter of time before she wakes up. She's been a tough cookie" he adjusts the drip in he arm.

"Yes she has" I agree. She didn't deserve this.

"There is something I need to talk to you about, I assume you are.."

"I'm her boyfriend" I straighten myself up.

"I thought as much. Well Ella's injuries were worse than we thought. It was a large knife and a deep wound. The placement of the injury caused a lot of damage on the inside, to stop that bleeding and to save her life. We.."

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