"I wanna piss in your mouth.."

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I walk over to the table in the far corner of a small coffee shop and place the two lattes down. I pull the chair out and throw my purse down and slump into the chair.

"Well that was my last fiver spent, I'm actually broke." I pick my latte up and blow over the top before I sip and look at my friend, Hayley.

"It's just a dry spell, keep looking and I'm sure something will pop up. In the meantime swallow your pride and call your parents. They're loaded so I'm sure they'll lend you some cash"

I shake my head, after leaving home six months ago to live in the city. My parents warned me how expensive it was living in the city and I said to them I'll make it work. Obviously I haven't and the last thing I need them to say is 'I told you so'

"No, I'm definitely not calling them. Maybe I'll just become a hooker. They make good money you know?"

My life is at the point where I wouldn't dismiss the idea to be honest.

"Ella Hun, no. You're way to good to be a hooker. At least become an escort they go some posh places and all expenses paid" she laughs.

Hayley has been a life long friend, she moved to the city with her then boyfriend. But nine months into the relationship he broke it off with her for another women. She loved it here so much she decided to stay, because I wanted to move out and love the city she rang me up one day and said she's got a spare room the rest is history. We live together in a small two bedroom apartment in a desirable area of the city. Hayley works nights in a expensive restaurant, she makes good money but it's the tips she gains that really make the job worth while. I could go and work with her but it's just not my scene.

"Well maybe I will. It's come to point I have no other options" I sigh and flick through my phone as I take another sip of my hot drink.

I place my drink down and something catches my eye on an advert on google.

Work from home as a call girl

I click the link and see a naked women holding a phone to her ear. I read the advert quickly.

Work from the comfort of your home, taking calls from men on a pay by minute website

"I've got it" I slam my phone down and look up at Hayley who gives me a quizzical look.

"This" I slide my phone towards her and allow her time to read the advert.

"So your going to talk to dirty, old, lonely men. Who will jack off to you talking all things sex?" She hands me the phone back.

"Yeah? How hard can it be?" I scroll down the advert to give all my details to send them off by email.

"Well would probably be easier if you'd actually had sex, Ella" she laughs.

It's not that I'm against sex before marriage or anything it's that I haven't found anyone worth doing it with. I shrug my shoulders.

"It's only talking how hard can that be?" I know what men want to hear and it's loads of moaning and groaning I can surely do that.

"Well give it a go, what have you got to loose" she smiles at me.

I send all the details they've asked for and I am to expect an email back with my log in details so I can start. We finish our lattes and take a slow walk back to our apartment. When we get in Hayley goes for a shower to get ready for work and I chill out on the sofa watching crap tv.

I check my emails every minute waiting for the company to send me my starting details. After an two hours of checking I get the email I've been waiting for. My user name which I chose of KinkyElla and my log in number which I need to call and tap in to allow numbers to be directed to my phone. I decide to wait for Hayley to leave for work before I start as I'm a little nervous and I know she'll be sitting there giggling the whole time.

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