"What's your star sign?"

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There is silence on the line, I've had a few of these calls tonight. Just silent people who seem to like hearing me just moan or say dirty things. Maybe some men are shy that they've resorted to calling up a sex line or maybe they aren't alone in the house and need to keep the volume low. I do feel sorry for those ones not them themselves more so the wife's or girlfriends who are in the other room, probably wanting affection but instead of that their men are talking and getting off to a stranger.

"Not the talking type eh? I'll just speak then. I'll tell you how good I can make you feel" I sexily play it cool as I get up and turn the television off and collect my empty wine glass from floor and head to the kitchen.

"I'm going to get you so hard from slowly taking my clothes off and standing in front of you in just my small g-string and lace bra" i let out a little moan and place the glass into the sink and turn off the lights in the front room and kitchen. I leave the hallway light on for Hayley when she gets in from work.

The line is still silent not even a moan or for a matter of fact breathing. Even though I can't hear anyone the line is active and I'm getting paid for this so I carry on making my money.

"Hmm I'm going to slide my hand into my g-string and rub my pussy for you. I'll make myself so wet that you can slide into me with ease" I say as I walk into my bedroom. At first it was all so strange saying these dirty things when I've never even seen a penis in real life. I'm saying I'm going to do all these things when I've never even seen a fucking penis! I smile at the fact they don't know I'm a bloody virgin and have no sexual experience at all.

Finally I hear a response from the line, a slow low sigh. The kind of sigh I imagine someone rubbing their forehead out of frustration or annoyance. I'm not sure how to deal with this, is he bored?

I don't know where to go from here, does he want more or less, maybe nothing at all. I decide since he rang this line up he wants more, why else would someone ring a sex line?

"Oh baby, I can only imagine what it would feel like to have your cock inside me while I bounce up and down on you" I lay down on my bed "Mhmm I bet you'd like that, my pussy and your cock together" I'm still getting use to this chat thing. I hope it's something he wants to hear, the other men kind of helped me out a little. I'm working on my own here, again I hear a long sign from the other line.

I decide I'm not getting anywhere with this man and I'm wasting my time. I've made some money tonight and I now really need my sleep so I pull my phone away from my ear when I'm about to hang up I hear a voice on the other side. I bring my phone back up to my ear and listen.

"How has your day been love?"

The quirky voice of what sounds like a young man whispers through the phone. I don't know how I'm meant to respond to this question.

"Erm, it's been so hot, so hot thinking of you baby" I struggle to come up with some sexy come back to his very un-sexy question. I cringe at the obviously awkward reply I gave.

I hear again the familiar sigh I've been hearing throughout this call.

"No it hasn't. Come on you're probably in your pjs laying on your bed, rolling your eyes to all the desperate old men who have called you up all night" there is a slight knowing in his voice.

I look down at my vest top and boy shorts and shrug surely all the girls done this? I can't actually see them naked and getting off physically to all the phone sex.

I don't know what to say? Am I allow to just talk normally. It feels weird he has called a sex line to talk generally about my day?

"No baby I'm touching my-"

The man on the end of the line // L.TWhere stories live. Discover now