BONUS 3 - Christmas Special!

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A/N: Merry Christmas!!!!

I decided to write a special bonus chapter for you guys, since Christmas is the giving season ;)

Enjoy and Happy Holidays <3



The patter of small feet frantically moving across the floor woke me. There was the sound of shuffling and some giggling before I heard a quick shh.

Pretending to be asleep, I kept my eyes closed, trying to fight the smile creeping onto my face. I made a small snoring sound and another bout of giggles sounded as a result, before more shuffling.

"One," A whisper said. "Two, three!"

"Rah!" I exclaimed when my daughter jumped on the bed.

April squealed in surprise and curled her body on itself when I began to tickle her.

"Mommy!" Her small lungs heaved out the word. "Mommy, no more tickles!"

My fingers stilled and she collapsed into my lap.

"Okay, okay," I laughed and pressed a kiss to her head. I looked up at Dylan who stood watching us with a smile on his face.

"Morning beautiful," He said, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"Morning," I replied. "So whose idea was it to surprise me awake?"

"Daddy's idea!" The four year old in my lap pointed at her father.

"Hey!" Dylan feigned hurt before ruffling our daughter's hair. "Thanks for throwing me under the bus,"

"What bus?" April questioned.

"There's no bus," I told her with a smile. "But we'll have to give daddy some payback,"

"Yeah," April agreed with a smile. "Ay-back."

"Look at you, ganging up on me," Dylan picked April up and I got out of bed. "Not very Christmassy of you."

"Just because it's Christmas doesn't mean I have to be jolly," I joked as the three of us left the bedroom.

"Oh, I forgot," Dylan smiled over his shoulder. "I married the Grinch,"

I stuck my tongue out at him playfully before moving past him to go to the kitchen and cook breakfast.


"Mommy! When is presents?" April's small voice called from her spot in front of the tree.

"Soon, little one," I said. "Auntie Meg and Uncle Jeremy are coming over. Uncle Luke and Auntie Honey, too,"

"Yay!" Her small fists pumped joyfully in the air. "Gramma too?"

"Yep," I nodded. "Grandma and Grandpa too. And Grandma Millie,"

April jumped up and started dancing gleefully around our living room. I laughed at her silly dance moves as a knock sounded at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked April.

"Is Santa?" She asked confusedly.

"Hmm," I tapped my lip and smiled. "I don't know. I think it's Auntie Meg."

April walked with me to the door where we were greeted by Megan and Jeremy on the other side.

"Merry Christmas!" Meg cheered, throwing her arms around me.

"Merry Christmas," I laughed and hugged her back; it was a slightly awkward and wide hug on account of the large baby bump protruding from my friend's stomach.

Dear DarlingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora