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Dear Josephine,

I was relieved to get your letter. I think I like talking to you. I have to admit, I didn't think you would write me back. You probably think I'm some pervy creep that's taking advantage of your fragile state, huh?

I can promise that that is the furthest thing from my list of intentions. And I'm also not a pervy creep (at least I don't think.)

That last line was a joke, please don't think I'm a creep, I promise that I am who I say I am. I've included a picture of myself  in case you are still harboring doubts. You don't have to, but I do ask that maybe you send one of yourself so I know who I'm talking to? Your choice completely.

Yeah, I'm just barely twenty-one. It's weird being a "grown up" because I've never thought that I'd get here. Like you said earlier though, that's another story.

High school sucks, I'm sorry for your suffering. I'm interested to know more about this Rebecca person though, what makes her a bitch? I'm guessing that she's a classic mean girl. Tell me more.

I know that the whole foundation of our correspondence so far has been built upon your mourning process, and I really want to know about April, but not until you're ready to tell me. Instead, I thought that we could learn about each other.

I have some questions that would be cool if you could answer, and hopefully you'll ask me some things about me. So here:

1. What's the sun like in Port Townsend? (I was walking through the city the other day and the sun was shining and I wanted to know if the we had the same sun.)

2. What are some of your hobbies? What makes you tick?

3. Why did you send your letter to New York?

I think that three questions is enough to start, so maybe you'll send three back? Again, whatever you want.

I hope you had a good week. And I hope your earth feels a little more stable.


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