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"I'm going to pass out,"

"We're gonna be okay," Meg didn't sound so sure. "All we have to do is walk and then sit and then walk again. No big deal,"

Sure, it was no big deal that in literally five minutes we would be walking in front of our entire class and their families, in heeled shoes.

I was very anxious as every possible way this could go wrong went through my head. I could trip and fall on my face. I could trip and fall on my face and have everyone laugh at me. Or worse yet, I'd be met with total silence and then they'd clap when I got up, like I was some athlete that was injured in a game.

I could lift the wrong hand when given my diploma and then use the wrong hand again to shake hands with everyone important.

I could forget my own name and not even get up to receive the diploma when they call me.

And if one or all of these things happen, it would be a million times worse because Dylan would be in the audience. He was here, cheering me on and I was happy, don't get my wrong. I loved that he surprised me again and I love that he wanted to be here for me, but I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the entire graduation audience and him.

But alas, the show had to go on.

"Alright guys, time to line up," Mr. Calman, our principal, said. "Get into your pairs,"

Meg and I stood next to each other, both of us shaking with excited nerves.

When the doors to the auditorium opened, I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. I felt my feet begin to move as the people in front of me walk forward. The auditorium was full with people; mothers and fathers stood to take pictures of their children as we walked down the aisles, like one big amoeba.

I saw Meg's parents first. Her mom and dad were standing with smiles on their faces and her brother looked bored, but stood nonetheless. Dad and Tess were with them, tears in both of their eyes. On the other side of Tess is Dylan and his mom.

Dylan's eyes met mine and I saw the look of pride he had as he looked at me. He smiled and I felt at ease, knowing that he was here to support me. I took another breath, please don't let me trip.

We climbed the stairs to the stage and, thankfully, I did not fall on my face. The auditorium quieted little by little as the rest of the seniors filed onto the stage and sat in their designated spots.

The stage lights blinded me slightly as I looked out over the sea of faces once more, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

When everyone was in place, Mr. Calman stepped up to the podium and spoke into the microphone.

"Good evening," His normally small voice boomed through the speakers. "Welcome friends and family, students and staff. I'm so very pleased to be here with all of you as we say goodbye to our seniors and wish them well on whatever paths they choose to take,"

I began to tune out, finding Dylan in the crowd. His eyes were on Mr. Calman as he spoke, but as if he could feel me looking at him, his eyes met mine and he smiled.

The smile I gave him in return was just as bright and I was the happiest I'd ever been as I saw him sitting there and knew it was real. I wasn't imagining things and I would get to hug him and kiss him later, feeling him be tangible in my arms.

Mr. Calman continued his speech before stepping away from the podium, and as a mechanical reaction, I clapped along with the crowd though I had no knowledge of what he'd actually said.

Dear DarlingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ