An Announcement and Fairy Tale Ending of a Day

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P.O.V: Iris

The days pass quickly, each night Ajax never leaving me. I felt safe in his arms, just lying there and hearing his heartbeat. Cliche, I know, but that's part of who I am. No judging. Today, I wake up and find Ajax had already left to go eat or something. Then I spot a note on the pillow next to me.

Had a meeting with Kindle ~ A

I got up, stretching my limbs that seemed sore than the day before. I ran around my room, getting my blood pumping and adrenaline going. I did a couple push ups and set ups. Then took a shower and brushed my hair. I felt great. Then I heard the door open.

"Come on, Fire girl. Kindle is about to tell them." Ajax says, grabbing my hand and leading me down the long white hallway to an extremely large room filled with over a hundred and fifty kids of all ages. We stand beside Emmett as Kindle addresses the crowd. Emmett gives me a warm smile, but glares at Ajax. Ugh.

"I have some very exciting news! The Gifted are now with us!" The crowd of kids erupt in applause and cheers, their faces brightening up at the mention of us. I smile. "The Prophecy will be fulfilled and we will have our freedom once more!" The crowd erupts again. "May I present the one of fire and earth. Iris!!!"

I step forward, beaming at the crowd as they cheer and clap and whistle. I laugh a little.

"And the other half. The one of water and air. Ajax!!" The crowd goes crazy as before. "These are the Gifted!" Kindle exclaims. The kids go nuts and look at us expectantly. Oh, right. A speech. Great.

I take a deep breath. "Hi everyone." I say with a smile. I glance over to Ajax who seems like he's forgotten how to move. Yep. Stage fright. I squeeze his hand before continuing. "Now, as you all know, the Lord has banned all creativity." I get a massive boo! "But we are here to right that wrong." I get a cheer this time. "Music, art, and imagination is something that should be expressed freely, without rules and boundaries forcing them to be quieted." My voice rises as I gain confidence in every word I speak and the crowd cheers again.

Ajax looks at me with surprise and I nod. It's part of his speech. I knew he wouldn't mind me saying it because he knew he would never really be able to speak in front of a lot of people.

"Creativity is something that no one can contain! The music we love will play again! The books we've read will be read once more! The art we've seen will be gazed upon again! Our once active imaginations will roam freely!" Ajax recites, no longer paralyzed, but lost in the words and the meaning behind them for each and ever kid here.

"We will fight to have those freedoms back! They are rights! We should not be stripped of the rights we were born with! We will take back what we once had!" I exclaim.

"We will fight and will succeed in doing so! We will not back down from any threat! They think we're afraid, but we are not afraid! We never were! And never will be!" Ajax yells.

"We will not only do this for ourselves! We do this for each and every kid who is scared and lost and those willing to break the laws and ridiculous regulations that He has enforced on everyone!" I say.

Ajax raises our intertwined hands and exclaims, "We do this together! We do this for the world!" The crowd reeeally goes crazy now. They repeated his words like a chant. I smile at him and he smiles back. I could feel hope blossoming inside of everyone here. Ajax lowers our hands and puts his arm around my shoulder.

I glance around and see Emmett's completely shocked face. Kindle was true to her word. Emmett was her second-in-command and she hadn't told him. Kindle announces that there will be a special feast to celebrate and the kids start walking to the room where food is served.

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