A Dream and Drawings

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P.O.V: Ajax

I leave before Iris could say anything because I didn't want her to see the look on my face. Putting on my stone expression, I walk to my room and plop down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. The next two days are going to be full of running back and forth, delivering messages to people. I'm going to be very tired, but I'll still write to her. A feeling of doubt creeps its way into my stomach. No, I think to myself, I will find her again before she reaches the Tyrant base. I'll be able to talk to her for at least three hours, maybe more.

I pull out my journal and flip to the drawing of me that Iris had made. I knew she didn't know she was drawing me until she had finished. Iris never really misses a thing. She had even drawn the scar that I had above my lip that's barely visible. She had also noticed all the different shades of blonde in my hair and the small specks of dark blue in my other wise sky blue eyes. She is truly talented. I know that she will do everything in her power to help the kids everywhere escape from the torture houses. I just hope she isn't caught by the NW Youth Groups.

I told Iris about the kids that were brainwashed into following the orders of the Lord. They would find kids that were breaking the laws and send them to the many different torture houses, just like this one. The only difference, is that this building houses the kids labeled as highly dangerous and extremely dangerous. Iris was labeled the latter. The first time I saw her wasn't those photographs. I was sitting in the stand that was high enough for me to see everything clearly. I had watched the guards drag Iris's parents up to the stage the Lord was standing on and pulled of their black hoods that they had over their faces. Iris was standing in front of the stage, held back by one of the largest NW officers we had.

She was trying desperately to wrench herself out of the guard's vice-like grip and she was yelling for her parents, but her voice was drowned out by the cheers of the crowd. her mom had said that everything will be okay and to trust her, that much I could hear. She had promised that Iris would be okay. Iris's eyes were full of tears that were spilling down her face. I had felt a little empathy for her, but reminded myself she was a witch.

Iris really lost it when the Lord snapped his fingers and her parents turned to black smoke, leaving nothing but ash behind, and even then the wind blew, scattering the ashes. Iris's cries were full of anguish and hatred for the Lord and everyone in that stadium. The crowd had stopped cheering before the Lord did the execution. She was still struggling against the guard, who laughed as her screams echoed through the stadium. Not a single citizen said a thing until the Lord raised his hands in the air in triumph. Then everyone erupted in cheers and clapped for the execution of a witch and a wizard. Through the applause, Iris's hoarse voice rang out, silencing the cheers.

"How can you just sit there and watch as people are being killed!" She had yelled. Her voice was raw with emotion and full of grief and fury.

The Lord had turned to her and said, "Those people were guilty of high treason, my dear."

I knew that if she was in range, she would have spat in his face.

"You are a murderer! You are an egotistical lunatic!" She had screamed at the top of her lungs. The guard was having a little trouble holding her back, her anger causing her to lash out at the person sorry enough to be holding her.

The Lord just looked at her with a cold smile. "You will soon change your mind, Iris." He nodded his head and the guard had taken her away.

The only thing I don't remember about that day is how Iris managed to escape. As I thought of the possibilities, I fell asleep. In my dream, Iris and I are standing in front of the Lord. He was smiling at us. I looked at Iris and she was looking back.

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