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P.O.V: Iris

I woke up and realized I didn't have a nightmare or weird visit from my parents. I tried to run my fingers through my hair, but that was a mistake. I sighed and looked around my dull grey cell. I was told by one of the guards that this place suppressed my powers, but the other night proved that to only stretch to a certain length. I began to get bored so I take out the book Ajax gave me and flip to the back of it and begin drawing. I was so concentrated that I almost jumped when I heard Ajax say,"Whatcha doin'?"

"One thing you should know about me is that you shouldn't sneak up on me." I warn him. I don't trust him, but I'm pretending I do to find out what I can about is motives. Ajax nods and takes a seat next to me on my bed. I allow him to look at my drawing.

"Are those your....." His voice trails off so I finish his sentence for him.

"Parents." I say, looking down at the drawing.

He looks up at me and says, "This is amazing, Iris."

"No, it's not. The face isn't proportionate and the eyes don't look centered, making the lips uneven....You sill with me?" I ask, looking at the expression on Ajax's face. He was a little lost. Maybe a lot.

He smiles at me and says almost sheepishly, "You lost me at proportionate."

I laugh a little and set the book down. "Seriously though, that's amazing." Ajax says, his brilliant blue eyes shine a little.

It makes me smile for some reason and I challenge, "Thanks. I'd like to see how well you draw." A strand of messy hair falls into my eyes. "Looks like some things never change." I say with a little annoyance. I try to blow it out of my face, but it was futile. I look down at the drawing once more, but then I feel Ajax tuck the strand behind my ear. I look up at him and find myself gazing into his pretty eyes. I involuntarily bite my lip, hoping he doesn't see my slightly pink cheeks. His hand is still against my face, once again I'm struck with a surge of energy from him.

"Iris, today they are gonna run tests." He voice breaks when he says the last word and I see the worried look on his face.

I roll my eyes and say, "I'll be fine, Ajax. I can take care of myself." I wasn't actually entirely convinced and I guess Ajax sensed that. He drops his hand from my face and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. I find myself trusting him, but I know I shouldn't. I couldn't help it though. I feel heat rise to my cheeks again. He must've seen it this time because he was smiling. I'm sooo glad he can't read my thoughts, I think to myself.

"Iris, whatever they do, just know that you are special. You have a gift that they are trying to control and they will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. I know this may sound crazy but.....we are connected and I feel like we are apart of something greater."Ajax says, his smile replaced by a serious face and one of belief. Belief in me. Just then, I hear a male voice over an intercom announce, "Informant Ajax, please report to duty."

I whip around and stare at him in disbelief. Anger starts to boil my blood. I'm mad at him, but more angry at myself for even allowing myself to trust him even the slightest bit. "Informant? You're a fucking informant?" I yell at him. Ajax gives me a sad and apologetic smile then looks down in shame. I quickly withdraw my hand and glare at him.

"I'm sorry, Iris." He finally looks up at me, a sad look in his beautiful eyes.

Is he actually sorry or is he just pretending? I guess I should've been more careful. I'm so stupid! My eyes harden and I tell him coldly, " I thought I could trust you. Guess I was wrong." I tried to keep the hurt out of my voice, but he heard it anyway. Ajax got up and left without saying a word. I should've known better than to trust him! I knew he was too good to be true. Just to walk into my life and become my friend just like that. Ugh! My temper flares and I make a decision: In this New World, no one can be trusted. Not even friends.

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