A Little Interview

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P.O.V: Iris

I was thrown into a white room and the door locked. I have no idea what they are planning for me. The room consisted of a wooden table and a matching chair and a metal chair that looked completely out of place. I sat in the metal chair. After a while, someone walks in. It was a tall man with emerald green eyes with a large black jacket.

"So, this is the famous Iris Johnson." The tall man says.

"And you are?" I as him, making the disinterest in my voice clear. The tall man takes a seat in the wooden chair across from me. As I look closer at his face, it seemed pinched like a rat's. He waves his hand to dismiss my question.

"So Iris, how are you this morning?" Rat-face said casually.

I glare at him and say, "When I get out of this place that feels like Hell, y'all are going to pay dearly."

Rat-face isn't even phased. He just leans back in his chair like this is a normal thing for him, which I guess it is.

"So I see you're not enjoying your stay here. Do you want a better room?" He asks in mock concern that was enough to make my face red.

I barely manage to suppress my already flaring temper. If I didn't get my temper under control, then that would mean Rat-face would have satisfaction of getting under my skin.

"Oh, that would be amazing!" I reply with false enthusiasm. "Why are you even here?"

"Just to see how well you're.....adjusting." He replies. His beady eyes showed no emotion at all and they seemed menacing. "What do you know about your Elements that you inherited?" He asked, his voice suddenly hard and demanding.

I was a little surprised by his sudden outburst, but tired not to let it show. "Well, I know that I have the power to control the element of fire and also earth." I reply truthfully, remembering what Ajax told me.

Rat-face was a little unnerved when I said I could also control earth. I smiled in satisfaction of his discomfort. In one swift movement, he stood up and was out the door. Then two NW guards came in.

"Is the meeting over already? I was just starting to like him." I say sarcastically as the guards dragged me back to my small, miserable cell. Once again I was left alone.

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