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P.O.V: Ajax

"How could they all get away!" The lord yells.

"I told you, Sir, your second-in-command told me to gather all the reinforcements to have a conference meeting." I reply.

"I told that idiot to gather all the regular guards! And now, the New World's biggest obstacle is running around, gathering support!" He exclaims.

"Is there anything you want me to do, Sir." I ask, well aware the answer is yes.

"Gather a search team and find her! Make sure she doesn't outwit your officers." He tells me.

"I already have a couple of guards in mind, Sir." I say, smirking internally.

"You will leave first thing in the morning, Informant Ajax." he instructs.

"Yes, my Lord." I say and set off to find the three buffoons who had tortured Iris. I find Jacobs and Robinson hanging out in a white room with chairs and a table. "Where is the other one?" I ask tersely.

"Harrison is in the infirmary. That witch gave him a bloody nose." Jacobs says and I try not to let my smile show. "You three and two others will be accompanying me on a search for the witch."

Robinson grins evilly. "We would love to help take down the witch." He says.

"Good. We leave first thing in the morning. Get some rest. You're going to need it." And a few working brain cells, I think. After that, I walk to my room and collapse on my bed. My team and I will take a truck to cover more ground. It will be both an advantage and disadvantage. While we will be able to cover more ground, the loud and noisy vehicle will alert the Tyrant and Iris that we are close. I hope that warning will give them some time to hide or escape. These thoughts were still in my mind when I finally feel asleep.


I got dressed in my usual suit and walked to the Lord. "Your officers are waiting outside. Let us hope that those idiots know how to drive that vehicle." He says.

"They were trained to, Sir. That was half the reason why I chose them." I tell him honestly.

"Okay, Informant Ajax. Best be on your way. We will waist daylight if we continue talking." He says shortly.

I turn and walk outside. The three idiots were standing up in the bed of the truck, letting the other two officers ride inside. I jump in the bed of the truck with the others and we all head into the City of the New World. I watched the three officers sitting near me very closely. If they take one wrong step, then they will fall out of the truck. I closed my eyes, enjoying the rush of air hitting my face and blowing my hair back. We stopped at the entrance of several abandoned buildings around the city limits. I would lead all five guards into the building and motion them to take different rooms. It took about ten minutes to sweep the entire building. It's been around three hours since we left and the sun was beating down on all of us. Even in the unrelenting heat, we still continued our city wide search for Iris.

"They couldn't have gotten far. There were dozens of kids and that many prats will be hard to keep quiet." Robinson said and all the other officers agreed.

"Trust me, those kids will be quiet if it means escaping to the Tyrant base. Most of those kids were from there anyway." I voiced.

The big officer who I had come to know as Jackson called back to me, "How much longer do you suppose we have until they reach the base?"

"Five days. Six at most." I reply. I looked over at Harrison, the guard I have been waiting to hit, didn't trust me at all. The look on his face he was giving me told me that much. The outskirts of the city was another fifty miles away. We had checked ten buildings in the last two hours. There seemed to be a thousand places for the kids to hide. I hope they weren't in any of the buildings we planned to search tomorrow. The inhospitable sun was sinking under the horizon. "Let's call it a day, officers. We will come back tomorrow and search more." I tell them. They all agree with nods and we begin our long ride back to our new place of housing.

It was twenty-eight blocks away from the rubble of our old estates. As we journey back, I thought I saw a slender figure dart through the shadows. I felt a pull towards the figure and I knew who it was. She was so close, but so far at the same time. I saw her disappear into the shadows, but I felt her eyes on me. Then, I felt nothing as she seemed to completely vanish. After we finally arrived back at the compound, I had to report to the Lord, who wasn't all that thrilled to hear we had found nothing, not even a trace of the kids or Iris.

Then I was finally allowed to go to my room. The room was smaller than my previous one. The walls were painted an oxford grey and the light was dim. This was my room before I became the Lord's informant. I still remembered how I would wake up early, put on my dull, grey uniform, and go to training. I would be so tired at the end of each day that I would lazily change into my white tank top and black pants and fall asleep as soon as my head it the pillow. That's what I did tonight. I had already written to Iris, so I could just fall asleep. Despite knowing this, I still opened the black-leather bound journal and checked if she had written anything. When I didn't see anything new, I hid it under my pillow and quickly fell asleep.

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