Tension and Teasing Pt. 1

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P.O.V: Iris

Someone had shook me awake. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust and look up to find Emmett's piercing green eyes looking back at me.

"Hey. It's time to start traveling again."

I look past him and notice that all the others were already waking up and moving about. I nod to him and start to stand up. I looked out the window and noticed it was already dawn. I pull my hair into a ponytail and take off my jacket, the day's heat already hitting. Ebony was already up, waiting for me to do the same. I pick up a small pack I had found and placed my journals inside along with my jacket. Emmett was leading the kids out of the building that was old and crumbling. We had to leave everything exactly the way we had found things because guards do patrol these buildings, looking for any person who stays here illegally. I had left the iris flower Emmett had given me last night as a message for Ajax. I was the last one out, walking behind the herd of kids. We passed several abandoned buildings that were falling apart. Emmett had changed the fabric that was tied around my arm and leg. It was sad how in just a few weeks that everything we once knew, was now a crumbling mess. I kept looking behind us just in case we were being followed. It's kind of a habit, really.

A small boy said, "It's hotter than yesterday. Can't we take a break for a bit?" Several others agreed with the boy and we moved deeper into the shadows and what little shade they provided from the blistering heat.

Emmett had found a little water and filled a few canisters that he had and the kids had to share them. There were a total of five canisters and they emptied quickly. I gave Ebony a little water and passed it to Emmett.

He looked at me and asked, "Why don't you take a drink?"

I was hot but looking at all those kids, I didn't want to let them die of thirst. "I'm not thirsty." I told him, but he insisted. "No, Emmett. You drink it." I said for about the fifth time.

He gives me an exasperated look and takes a small swig from the container and hands it to the little girl beside him who took it gratefully. I looked at all the kids sitting in the small amount of shade we had found. The older kids were making the smaller kids laugh. These kids had their lives taken away from them in the blink of an eye, but they could still laugh. They could still joke in the dark times that the New World has created, casting it's darkness over even the most brightest kids. Their faces were dirty and they had a few bruises from hours of torture. They were all determined, however, to keep fighting until they had their old world back. There was something radiating off of the kids, something uplifting. Hope. Everyone here was radiating it.

"Alright everyone, break time is over. We need to keep going." Emmett announces.

We stand up and he takes the lead once more as I take the back. After about twenty minutes, I was beginning to feel a slight pull back towards the City of the NW and it was steadily growing stronger. The group was walking along the road, then all of a sudden, the pull seemed unbearable and I could make out the distant sound of a truck's engine. I turn to took back and I see it barreling towards us. Emmett has heard the truck and was gathering the kids inside a building.

"Y'all stay here, I have this under control." I yell over the sound of the truck.

"I'm coming with you." Emmett says, glaring at the approaching vehicle with pure hatred.

"What about the kids?" I ask and he just begins walking towards the oncoming enemy. Oh shit.

We stand in the middle of the road and the truck stops just mere inches away from us. Neither of us flinch. Five heavily armed guards along with Ajax, hop out of the vehicle. I feel Emmett tense beside me. I look over at him and see he has his hands balled into fists and shooting daggers at Ajax. If looks could kill, Emmett would be killing him ten times over. My temper flared as I recognized three of the guards standing behind Ajax.

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