Tension and Teasing Pt. 2

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P.O.V: Iris

I roll over, still a little groggy with sleep. My pillow feels a little squishy, but I don't open my eyes. Then I feel it move. Wait, what the fuck? I open my eyes to see a pair of blue eyes looking down at me. Oh shit. My face goes red in a matter of milliseconds. I sit up and see a few girls looking at me, then turning back to their group and giggling. Perfect. Emmett just looks at me strangely, then looks away immediately. Did I break his trust when I kinda disappeared last night with Ajax? Or was it something else? I run my fingers through my hair and I realize I have to go scavenge things today. I pull my jacket off and start to stand up and have my bag in my hand, but feel a hand on my own. I look back to see Ajax looking at me.

"Where are you going?" He ask. Okay, fist of all, I can't take him seriously because his hair is full of cowlicks and two, it kinda made him look cute.

"Just out to scavenge some supplies." I reply and he insists on coming. "Fine."

I finish getting ready and Ajax just takes his surroundings in. I look at him sideways then fix his hair and grab his hand. We were halfway to the exit, when Emmett stops us, glaring daggers at Ajax.

"Where do you think you're going?" The Tyrant asks in a threatening voice.

I roll my eyes. "He's coming with me to look for things we might need."

He eyes Ajax, who is giving him the same death glare. If looks could kill, they would both be dead five times over. Emmett makes a move towards Ajax and so does Ajax. I place a hand on both of their chests, putting myself between the two.

"Just chill and stop trying to act like y'all are better than each other. The past is the past. Get over yourselves." I direct that last part to Emmett.

His face hardens, but not before a look of hurt paces over it. "You know I don't trust this asshole."

"Ugh! Just stop already. Y'all are really getting on my bad side with all this shit. Just stop." I say. "Y'all are acting like little children fighting over some pitiful toy that the other stole. Either grow up, or don't speak." With that, I walk right out of there, feeling their gazes both on me. Seriously? Why can't they just fucking grow up.

"Iris!" I continue walking, not even looking at the owner of the footfalls from behind me.

I need to chill. I take a deep breath and Ajax grabs my wrist, making me look at him.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? He just gets on my nerves so fucking much."

I roll my eyes. "Let's just go." I say dully, and we enter an office building to our right, Ebony following. That dog follows me everywhere. I sigh heavily.

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