Losing it

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P.O.V: Ajax

I woke up and saw that Iris was already awake. I put my hand on her forehead and feel that her head isn't as warm as it has been for the last three days. There was color returning to her face also.

"Morning, Fish boy." She says weakly.

I smile at her and sit up. "Hey Flame girl. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." She replies.

I roll my eyes at her stubbornness. I fix my hair and throw her bag over my shoulder. "Ready?"

She nods and I help her up and wrap an arm around her waist. She is able to apply a little pressure, but not a lot.

"Thanks, Ajax."

"It's my job to take care of you, Iris." I say.

She smiles at me and says, "You made it your job to take care of me."

I nod. "Besides, we have to stick together."

We walk for a while, Ebony walking in front of us, looking back and forth like she is looking out for any danger and protecting us. I had to stop and change Iris's bandages a few times but we kept walking. Emmett falls in line next to us.

"We are almost to the base. There, she can get some medicine to help her." He tells us.

I check Iris's fever and it seems to have gone down a little more. "Her fever seems to be decreasing, but her infection is still pretty bad. We need to get her there ASAP." I tell him and he nods, looking at her face with concern. I take a water canister and make her drink some water.

"How bad is my infection?" She asks.
"It's pretty bad, but I know you will be fine." I say, though I don't really know for sure.

The group has stopped and is now in the shade. Iris leans back against the side of the building. Emmett left me and Iris and went back to the others.

"Is your shoulder bothering you?"

She shakes her head.

I remove the bandage from around her shoulder and find it healed. Nothing there but a fresh, circular scar. I tell her it was healed and she wasn't surprised.

"I just hope my leg heals soon." She sighs and I nod.

Everyone around us starts to stand up. I help her up and Iris wraps her arm around my neck, mine around her waist and we resume our journey.

"We should reach the base by tomorrow, but it would be nightfall." The Tyrant boy informs all of us.

The kids were ecstatic. They talked about what the Tyrants have accomplished, which was quite a lot, and what they thought the base looked like.

"I can't wait to reach the base." Iris said as we walked.

"Me too." Something creeps into my mind. "When are we going to tell them?"

She lets out a sigh. "Emmett is already suspicious of who we are. He asked me why I was on so many wanted posters and I just told him I had broken a ton of laws. He didn't seem convinced though. He keeps looking at us with suspicion."

I knew for a fact that wasn't what he was thinking, but I didn't tell her. "He will find out soon enough." I tell her. The sun finally drops below the horizon and we take shelter in an old store that had nothing left. I made our bedding and helped Iris lay down. I sat next to her, Ebony on her right flank. Even though she was tired, she stayed up and talked for a while.

"How are we going to save the world?" She asks, addressing the large elephant in the room. I've tried to avoid talking about Him or the Prophecy as long as I could.

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