A little friendship and A little Guilt

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P.O.V: Ajax

When I was finally allowed to go to my room, I opened the leather-bound journal and began to write.


Hi. Iris replies.

As we write back and forth, I got to know what her life was like before the NW. Iris went to an old rundown school that didn't offer a lot. She didn't do well in math or science, but Iris was at the top of her class in English and Art. One day, while she was looking through some old music records her parents had, she found a guitar.

My father taught me how to play the guitar in only a few weeks. He told me that music was in my blood.

Really? I write. It took me a few months to learn the bass guitar.

Iris must've been surprised when she read that.

You know how to play bass?

Is it that hard to believe?

I somehow knew that by that point, Iris was smiling. She told me that she used to write stories and she joined her high school band.

Not to brag or anything, but I can play the piano, guitar, bass, and drums.

You could be your own little band. I write back.

It took her a few minutes to write back. Maybe she was laughing at my joke.

What instruments can you play?

I smirk to myself and write back, trumpet, bass, guitar, and piano.

Iris writes back, You sound like half a marching band.

That makes me laugh. I hesitate for a moment before writing back.

You know, I haven't been hugged, seen a real smile and actually smiled myself or laughed in a long time.

Happy to help. I'm here all night. If I don't fall asleep first.

I smile and write back, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?

Aww. Leaving so soon?

I crack a smile for like the fifth time. I playfully reply to her rhetorical question.

You gonna miss me?

Let me think about that....In your dreams, Ajax. Haha

I roll my eyes and glance at my watch. and calculate how long we've been writing back and forth.

Wow. I write.


For one thing, curiosity killed the cat and we've been writing for almost 3 hours. This is like the longest written conversation I've had in a long time.

LOL. And satisfactory brought the cat back. This is the longest written conversation, actually my only one, I've ever had and the longest conversation in general that I've had.

I asked her why.

Well....I didn't have many friends and the few I did have moved to better schools.

So, does that mean we're friends?

Sure. If you want.

Let me think about it.....I'm okay with that. I write back. You're actually my first friend.

🙂 Kool.

I think you misspelled cool. I correct.

And I think I don't care. She replies and I laugh a little.

Night, Iris.

Cya, Ajax.

I close the journal and stuff it underneath my white pillow and lay down. I feel guilty about the things that I'm ordered to do. I feel really terrible and I fall asleep with this weighing on my conscious.

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