Hope Squashed

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P.O.V: Ajax

When we were talking, I read her thoughts without realizing I was doing it. They made me smile. But I had to hide it as I approached the Lord.

"Have you gotten any closer to her?" He asks expectantly.

I shake my head and reply, "No, my Lord. She still resents me for being an informant."

"Iris does have quite a temper, doesn't she?"

I look at him. "Yes, and a very short fuse."

Suddenly, he is in my face. "Remember that I am the reason you're alive right now. One step, and I mean one, and you will be the next thing that those Death Hounds have for dinner." He warns, his voice low and dangerous. "Is that clear, Informant Ajax?"
I look at him, no emotion on my face. "Crystal, Sir." I reply.

The grey-eyed man waves me off and I walk to my father's office. He is mulling over some test results. Most likely they're the results of Iris's tests.

"You requested me, sir?" I ask.

My father doesn't look up. "Tell the Lord all the results came back normal."

"Yes, sir." I say in a detached voice. I turn around and leave my father and let out a silent sigh of relief. Maybe they will let her go free if they see nothing out of the ordinary. They weren't there when they saw her light up, so maybe, just maybe, they will let her go. I walk back to the room with all the cameras on the front wall and tell the Lord. He wasn't pleased to hear this.

"How is that even possible? That little witch must have altered the results! We need to run more tests! Find out how we can extract her Element!" He roars at everyone in the room. Then he turns his attention to me. "And you. You need to get closer to her. Make her fall in love with you, if you have to. I don't care." His eyes are steel burning in the flames of his own anger.

"Yes, Sir." I reply, my voice void of emotion. I walk out and close the door behind me. I felt a lump in my throat and try to push it down, but it was no use. I have to tell Iris. I have to warn her. But there is a knot in the pit of my stomach because of what He said. I fear that I had already accomplished making her fall in love with me, despite her still seething. I hope my fear is something that reflects myself, not her.

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