Laughs and jokes

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P.O.V: Iris

I wake up and see that Ajax had just woken up to. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and see that his hair is a mess. I laugh a little and ruffle it up even more. He gives me a slightly annoyed look but ends up smirking. He returns the favor by ruffling my tangle-filled hair.

"Hey!" I protest but laugh nonetheless.

"You're such a girl."

"Oh yeah? Would a girl be able to do this?" I ask and before he could do anything, I jump on him and pin him down. I cock an eyebrow at him, daring him.

"Yeah." He says, wrenches his hands out of my grip and tickles my side. I squeal and laugh. He just laughs and continues to tickle me with me under him.

"Ahh! Stop! Please!" I say in between laughs. He just smirks and tickles me more. Tears were rolling down my face and my sides hurt from laughing. "Ow! My sides hurt!" I protest.

Ajax stops for a second, considers something, then I take the opportunity to get him back. He's laughing just as hard as I was and I kind of liked the way it sounded. With what little strength he had, he managed to pin my hands above my head and looked down at me. He leans down, his face really close to mine. I raise an eyebrow.

"Not so strong now are you?" He smirks.

"Yeah right." I say, being cocky.

Then he kisses me and I feel the butterflies in my stomach multiply by ten-fold. He pulls back and then says, "Yeah, right."

I just roll my eyes at him, my cheeks just a tiny bit pink. "Come on, let's go grab something to eat." I say.

"Changing the subject are we?" He teases, but gets up anyway and holds a hand out to me and I take it. I brush my hair and we walk out together. We enter the eating room and eat our breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, and a small cup of orange juice.

I watch as Jordan and Emmett sit and talk and laugh. He must have felt my gaze because he looks past Jordan and we make brief eye contact before I look away. My thoughts go back to the flower he had given me. Why did he give it to me in the first place? What did that even mean? I look over at Ajax who was already looking at me, an eyebrow raised.

"Why do you think he did that?" I ask, obviously he read my thoughts.

"I don't know, Iris. He's strange if you ask me." He replies, but the tone in his voice hints that he knows more than what he is letting on to. I roll my eyes, knowing he won't tell me and spot Ferris and Cyrus glancing over at Jordan and Emmett and snickering. I smirk, knowing exactly what they are thinking. Well, it is obvious, even to someone who doesn't even know the girl that well. She clearly likes the second-in-command.

"So, excited about the breakout?" Ajax asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nod eagerly. "Totally. I'm gonna hold those guards back and let the others escape. They won't even know what hit 'em."

"After facing a near-death experience, you want to go back into the line of fire. You never stop do you?" He asks with a smirk.

"Nope. As long as I'm alive, no one can stop me from helping these kids." I reply with conviction. I glance around and spot Ebony playing with Evy, her little laugh ringing through the room as my Death Hound licks her tiny face.

"You're the most stubborn person I've ever met." He says.

"What can I say? It's a gift." I say, doing a dramatic hair flip.

Ajax just shakes his head then says, "Do you want to train? I could use some target practice." There was a sly smirk playing across his lips.

I nod and he leads me to a room made of concrete and stone. He stand at one end of the room, me on the opposite side. Almost as if in sync, we started throwing spheres at each other. His water sphere crashed into mine of fire in the center of the room.

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