A Little Meeting

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P.O.V: Ajax

I stood in the front of the room, facing over fifty heavily armed officers. "Officers, the witch will soon be nothing but a distant memory." I address them, scanning over each of their faces. Cheers rise through the crowd. "Then the New World will have nothing standing in its way! We will take complete control over Earth!" More cheers erupt. "At her execution, we need each and every one of you to be on your guard. There is no doubt that she will try to escape her execution once again by any means necessary for her own survival." I tell them. I know that this is exactly what they were expecting to hear. "We will use fore if she tries to escape. Show no mercy! She is the one thing standing in the way of the New World. As long as she's breathing, she won't stop fighting for her freedom! The witch will never stop until she's dead!" I tell them truthfully. I glance down at my watch. Ten minutes. "Lets go over a few drills. Tell me, what do you do if a prisoner advances at you with a weapon?" I as them all.

"Fire our guns." They reply in unison.

"Good. Now, what if that prisoner is the witch?"

"All surrounding officers fire at advancing target."

"Good. Good." I look at my watch again. I swallow a lump in my throat. It's time. I hope Iris is having more fun than I am right now.

"Informant Ajax, why are we the ones called instead of the lower ranking officers?" Officer Johnson asks.

I shrug. I despised him in almost every possible way. He is arrogant, forgetful, ignorant, a huge pain in the ass, and not very reliable. "Well, Officer Johnson, I don't make the rules here, do I? The Lord has specifically requested you lot. Why? Do you have a problem with that?" I spit.

"No, Informant Ajax. I have no problem with what the Lord has requested." Johnson says, glaring at me.

"Good." I say, narrowing my eyes at him. "Now that you are done interrupting me, may I proceed with my orders?"

"Yes, Informant. Please proceed." He replies, still shooting daggers at me.

"As I was saying, you need to be on guard at all times. The witch will be guarded at all hours of the day, switching guards once in a day. They will stay there until she is no longer....part of our wonderful staff of prisoners." The guards laugh at my joke. These idiots will laugh at anything, I think to myself. They may look all tough and intimidating, but not one of them has a single brain cell that functions properly. They are lost without orders from the Lord.

"That witch is getting what was coming to her all along." An officer says, looking at his club in evil delight.

I point out to them that the witch will always get what's coming to her. "So, officer, where you one of the three gentlemen who let her to the Death Hounds?" I ask genuinely.

"Yes, Informant, indeed I was. Even gave her a good black eye. A good little black eye indeed." The officer says with an evil smile.

"Who else was there with you, officer?"

He points to two guards to his left. "Officers Robinson and Jacobs." He replies.

"Well, I thank you for teaching that witch a thing or two gentlemen." I tell the trio.

"No problem, Informant. It was our privilege." He says.

I tried very hard not to launch myself at the guy. He must be Chubby. I hated him beyond words. These three will soon know what it feels like to be on the other side of that club, I remind myself. It goes on like that for about twenty more minutes.

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