Seeing Him

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P.O.V: Iris

We had walked over ten miles during the day, but still had a long way to go to reach the base outside of the city. Emmett kept us to the shadows as best he knew how to. My new dog, who I had named Ebony, layed her head on her paws. When I was out scavenging for materials and resources, I felt a familiar tug towards the road. I had spotted the vehicle and quickly ran into the shadows of a building. I could tell he was looking at me. I felt it. I wanted to call out to him, but I knew that would put every kid in danger of being found out. I ran into the building we had spent the night in and told Emmett about the truck and he cursed. He had informed the others that a truck was patrolling the streets, looking for all of us. He had taken the role of leader easily. My gunshot wounds were starting to heal pretty quickly and Emmett had asked me about that.

"I can heal around three times faster than an average human being." I told him.

"I wonder what other tricks your hiding." He says and I smile, sitting in the chair in front of him.

"What can you do? You never really told me before."

"I can grow plants but only a few kinds. Most are just flowers. Roses, tulips, lilacs, orchids, and even irises." He says. He holds out his hand and an iris sprouts from his palm. He looks at it, examining the purple petals that looked out of place in the dull, dirty building.

"That's actually pretty cool." I tell him.

Emmett just shrugs and says, "It's the only thing I can do."

It's ironic how he can only produce delicate flowers, but Emmett himself was the complete opposite of what he can grow. It kind of reminded me of Ajax. Ajax could produce water, yet water is calm, basic, and predictable. Ajax on the other hand, is unpredictable sometimes, and strong. I guess that's why he got the air element.

"What are you thinking about?" Emmett asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Just a guy I know. Something reminded me of him." I say truthfully and he doesn't press any further.

"You know, everyone has heard about you and the Death Hounds. The guards couldn't stop talking about it."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he nods.

"Everyone was surprised anyone could kill a single one, let alone three. Or even scare one." He looks at Ebony. "And now that dog is your pet."

"She's no longer that vicious animal she was forced to be." I reply.

"Well, my leader will most likely want to talk to you about your abilities. Scaring a Death Hound is like walking straight into Hell and scaring a ghost. And without your powers too. Damn."

I laugh and tell him, "To be honest, I can't believe I did that either. It was like all my instincts were kicking in faster than I could comprehend. But I did get knocked and two of the dogs had attacked me. My arms, right shoulder, side, and both of my thighs were bitten."

Emmett asked me how long it took for my wounds to heal.

"Well, it took my shoulder and arms to heal in like two days, my side in four, and my thighs in about six."

"Damn, girl. You like some sort of alien or something." He laughs and I do too.

"Well, I think I'm gonna hit the hay." I tell him.

Emmett decides to give me the iris that he was messing with. "Night, Iris." He says, turning his gaze back to the empty street outside.

"Night." I walk back to my "bed", playing with the flower's petals the whole time. Ebony was at my heels and layed down. I layed down next to her and placed the iris next to my makeshift pillow. i tired to go to sleep, but my mind kept wondering off. I decided to sit up and draw in my brown journal. I began to draw Ebony, who peered up at me. She had two different colored eyes. One was pale blue, the other as dark as chocolate. She was a beautiful dog, despite her previous reputation. Ebony seemed to smile up at me and I pet her soft grey fur. As I finished adding color to it, I notice Emmett was walking towards me, stepping over several kids carefully. He leaned down and pets Ebony, who licks his hand in appreciation.

"What are you still doing up?" He whispers, sitting next to me.

I show him the drawing of Ebony.

"That's really good, Iris." Emmett says, looking between the dog and her portrait. "Never noticed till now her eyes were different colors. Cool."

I nod and continue to color in Ebony's grey fur.

"There are some kids back at the base who would love to see your drawings because they are art lovers too." He tells me.

"Sounds like fun."

"You should get some sleep, Iris."

"And so should you," I shoot back.

"Okay, deal." He smiles and I put the journal under my pillow.

I notice him glance at the flower he gave me. "Well, night then. I'll check on your wounds in the morning, okay?"

I nod and he walks over and lays down in his own makeshift bed, which was the closest to the doors. I felt a cold breeze and shivered, pulling the white over-sized jacket on better. My mind wanders again and this time, I let it. My mind led me to think about Ajax. God, I didn't really realize how much I actually missed that smart ass and all the things he does. The unpredictable asshole. Ugh. I just hope Emmett doesn't try to kill him when he shows up. I wonder what happened between those two. I actually wanted to talk to him. I couldn't wait, no matter how many times I tell myself to chill. I pet Ebony until I finally fell asleep. I see my parents walking towards me, huge smiles on their faces. I couldn't help but grin back.

"You did amazing, sweetheart!" My mom says.

"Yes, we are both very, very proud of you." My dad agrees.

I beam at them and say, "I told you Ajax would help."

"Yeah, you did." My dad says, almost guiltily. "I'm so glad that you and ninety-five other kids escaped. You seemed to have developed quite a few extraordinary powers as well." His eyes were growing big.

I smile at them and nod.

"Iris, this is why you were chosen." He tells me, excitement in his otherwise gruff voice.

I smile at them.

"Just be careful abut the others reactions when Ajax does appear. Especially Emmett." My mother warns.

"I know, Mom. And I will."

"All those kids look up to you now because you saved the from a fate far worse than death. They will look at you like a savior when they find out who you really are." Dad tells me and I nod, already knowing this information.

"Why didn't y'all tell me there were lesser witches and wizards?" I ask them.

"We thought you had already figured that out, Iris."

Of course. I'm an idiot. Not my first time realizing that either.

"We can't talk any longer, Iris. Maintaining contact for this long can lead to....unwanted things here in the Spirit World." Mom says and I nod.

"Bye Mom and Dad. I guess we will talk some other time." I say.

"Oh, Iris, by the way, those drawings are amazing. Very beautiful." Mother tells me and I smile.

"Thanks, Mom." I say and watch them walk hand-in-hand back to the place where they had appeared.

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