Wings | Ren

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Once again it was Tuesday. Yet I didn't want it to be. Yes I'm seeing my best friend like the usual routine. But today isn't the usual routine. Because at 9 when Snow leaves and I go back into the common room Tae won't be there.

Today I also lose the person I love to the real world. That one person who has been there for me everyday. Made me feel okay. He'll be gone at 9am. We will go from being by one another everyday to only seeing each other for an hour a week.

I don't want him to go I really don't. I don't want this to end. I'm so happy with him here, now it's all gong to change.

"Rennie?" I look up to Snow as her voice brings me back to reality. I wish I could stay in my daydream world but unfortunately that's not an option.

"Yeah sorry, I stepped aside for a couple seconds" I chuckle as she does too.

"Oh I brought this for you to look though" Snow says as she leans to pull her A4 sketchbook out from her bag.

"Your sketchbook? Does this mean a new project?" I question her only to receive a nod. I take the book from her grasp quickly before laying it on the table.

I always get excited to look at her new little drawings that she does for her projects. Opening the front of the book I saw the title 'Wings' all done in cursive hand writing, with a couple of feathers dotted around the page.

"Wings" I mumble to myself but loud enough for her to hear me. I continue to flick though the pages one by one. I admire her drawing skills. She's always been talented in that department.

As I turn the page once again I saw a double page spread. On one page it was a  a girl sat on the floor with her knees to her chest wings holding the shape of her body. On the other it was a girl with open wings. Flying high.

Something I wish I could do. But I have no wings. Not anymore. I ruined them.

"Everyone has their own set of wings, but to fly they just have to believe in themselves" Snow speaks as I continue to lol at the drawings of the winged girls.

"Not everyone has their own set of wings" I say as I look up to the frowning red head I call my best friend.

"Everyone does hair their own pair some people just take time to realise"

"Mine have been ripped off, I'm a wingless girl stuck forever" Snow continue to frown in my direction.

"Then grow a newer, stronger pair"

"Easier said then done" my eyes quickly look down back to her sketchbook. I wish I could just grow a new set of wings better than the ones that failed me but it's hard when your too scared to do so.

"Tae managed to do it, I know his situation and what happened, so if he could then so can you" I look up to her as she points to the table behind me.

Looking over my shoulder I see Tae smiling with a wide smile. A smile that I have never seen before. This smiles was pure happiness.

The smile that speaks a thousand words.

I smile for a short second before I come to the realisation that he can't wait to leave this place. But he'll also leave me behind. I know I shouldn't think like this but all I can do is think negatively when it comes to this.

"I don't want you to leave" I whisper under my breath as I look from Tae back to Snow.

"Does he know that?" Snow asks me as she leans forward a little bit closer to me. I widen my eyes at her. "Does he know that you don't want him to leave?" She questions me.

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