Reflection | Snow

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I hurry down the back streets of town. It's quieter this way than going through the centre. Technically it's also longer but when you factor in the amount of people I would have to weave and navigate through; it takes roughly the same amount of time. Only problem is: I don't know if Jungkook comes this way too.

I really hope he didn't see me. Or if he did; please don't recognise me.

Crossing the road I skip up the curb; a little habit that Ren always found very cute. Honestly I do it to stop myself from tripping over. I'm sort of accident prone. I'm that one weirdo that trips over nothing.

Colourful corner shop windows greet me each morning I walk this path; a repetition of ctrl+c, ctrl+v once again. The same shops not yet open for business. The reflection of cars zipping past on their way to work.

The college I attend is big and made of glass. A very grand and sculptural building. Modern and clean. Kind of characterless. On a more positive note: the light that gets let in through the huge glass windows is a godsend to work in.

I find my regular bench to sit on. I always stay outside for as long as I can. Even when it rains. I'd much rather be out here than in there. Amongst all that chaos.

Someone sits down behind me. It takes everything in me not to turn around to find out who. I don't need to know.

I watch the reflections off the building. Tall. Probably male based on the body type. Long legs, balanced out by broad shoulders. Tanned skin peeping out from under the dark material of his hoodie. Light washed jeans tucked into brown timberlands. Hands dig deep into the pockets of his hoodie. His head downcast under his hood; tugged up over his dark hair.


Watching Jungkook's reflection in windows, he looks lonely. But no one seems to notice. Or care? Can no one see it in his eyes?

Do you feel as lonely as I do? I wonder who hides it better: you or me? Are you reflecting how you feel on the inside? You seem so cool and collected. Unbothered. How does one do that? Mask their emotions.

My fears come out to play with me. I don't like their company. Do your fears mess with you too? Their tricks and mind games convincing you of the worst. So many things that I want to ask. But only a reflection is presented to me.

If I look past you, I see me. I see my own anxieties. My own reflection. Staring back at me. I don't recognise her anymore. My reflection isn't me. Is yours really you? Or are you too; hiding behind a mask?

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