First Love | Taehyung

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"I feel like that note was risky" I look over to Yoongi who just folds his arms before taking a seat in my doorway.

"You just told her though a note that you like her, she doesn't even know it's you" he replies to me.

"True, you haven't told her anything right?" I get a head shake in response to my question.

Yoongi sits in my doorway to keep me company. He knows about my sleep "issues" so he stays here until his shift finishes or he sometimes stays here longer. "Right I will see you tomorrow, don't overthink this okay" He gives a wave, before pushing and locking my door closed.

My eyes dart to the clock on the wall just outside my room. Half past nine. Only ten hours till I get to leave this cell room. Only to go and sit on my own.

I throw myself back into the mattress and groan in frustration. This just isn't fair. See if I was a normal guy at college life would be easy. My love life would be a lot easier. My whole life would be easier. I would always be surrounded by friends. I would have to worry about what people think of me.

But no. I'm stuck here.

At lest she's here.

I jolt myself awake. I must have fallen asleep. Never again. Please no. I don't want to sleep. I pull at the handle on my draws and see all of my uniforms. Blue. Everything is blue. I get changed so I don't have to later. Today was a shorts kind of day. Well that an because all my trousers were currently going through the process of being washed.

After being dressed and having folded my sleepwear somewhat neatly on my nonexistent pillow I remember something. I go back to the uniform draw and shuffle around everything trying to find something. I've had it hidden for ages.

I finally find it.

A mirror.

We're not allowed things that that he's because some people would smash it and harm themselves. I hid it so that couldn't take it off of me. I want it so I can see myself. Not for my looks but just so see if my dark dead eyes are looking somewhat alive again.

I hold the broken mirror up to my face and a little sigh escapes my lips. All I see it a killer in the mirror reflection. I'm not a killer. That's what I keep telling myself. But to everyone else. I am. They don't even know the story of why I did what I did.

I didn't even kill him.

I hear footsteps outside my room and drop the mirror back into the draw and cover it back up with my collection of uniforms. I quickly lay back down onto the so called bed and stared at the ceiling. I hear the luxurious sound of keys hitting against one another.

I stay led down till a familiar voice speaks. "I would say wake up but you already are" I chuckle and sit up.

"Indeed, I am always awake" I look to the shorter mint haired man stood in my open doorway.

You have no idea how many times I've wanted to run though that doorway and escape this place.

"Your chess board awaits you my friend" he chuckles and I simply frown. I do what I do everyday, I slide my uncomfortable slippers on and drag myself out of the room.

We get to the entrance of the common room but everyone was bundled around the door waiting to go it. I look around and spot her in the crowd. She's the only thing I see. She's my first love.

The door gets opened and we all go out separate ways. Like normal I go to my corner to where my chess board stands only to sit on my chair alone. I people watch as everyone go to theirs regular places, sit and talk with the friends they've made here. I then spot Ren with Void. Nothing new. They're always together.

I wish I was like Void, well except from the strangeness and the apparent voices who tell him riddles in his head and supposedly hurt him when he doesn't know the answer. But he gets to sit with her. Talk to her. Be close to her. I don't. I can't. The letters are the closest I can get to talking to her.

She doesn't even know it's me. That's what hurts the most. Knowing she doesn't know it's me. Kookie tells me to talk to her or just make friends with the others here. My response is always the same.

I don't need other friends when I have you and Jimin.

Within a blink of an eye Ren isn't sat in her chair. She must be going to see Jin. I shrug and look back to the sunlit chess board. All of a sudden the sunlight fades but the rest of the room stays lit.

I look up and see her.

I see Ren stood right in front of me. She lightly smiles before she lets a piece of paper fall into the board. She has such a soft smile. But you can see that it's a little broken. All I want to do it fix it.

I don't take my eyes off of her.

She stands on front of me for a couple seconds longer. A length of hair falls in front of her face, she takes the piece of her gorgeous wavey hair, and tucks it behind her left ear before turning on her heels to walk away. Back to Void.

I shake my head hoping this wasn't a dream. It wasn't. I look around the room to see literally everyone looking in my direction. Ren is the first person to ever come up to me here. I find Yoongi who nods at me.

I side eye the piece of paper, not wanting to open it. Like a sloth I slowly reach out to, gently picking it up. I become extremely anxious about what could be written on here.

But one question floods my mind.

How did she find out it was me?

I close my eyes and unfold the note. I take a deep breath before opening my eyes again and reading what was written.

Taehyung...I like you too
~ Ren

I release the breath I was holding, I look up from the not and over to her. But she was reading. I want to go over to her but I'm glued to this chair.

Well we both like each other but their is one major flaw to this.

Relationships in here are forbidden.

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