Don't Leave Me | Ren

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Today is Tuesday, the second day of the week. The only day of the week where I get to see my best friend. The only day when I forget that I'm in this place. The only time I actually smile.

Every Tuesday I always wake up early. I only know this because there is a clock on the other side of my locked door that I can see clearly when I am led in the discomfort of the rock hard mattress I'm forced to sleep on.

"Ren lets go" I hear Yoongi say from the outside of my door.

She's here!

I jump up and put my hair into a cute messy bun. Even without a mirror I can do the perfect messy bun. I guess it's a talent I learnt in here. I then grab my slippers so they're in my hand.

I stand by my door, waiting for Yoongi to unlock it so I can run. Run like the flash. Run as fast as I possibly can to the meeting hall. The meeting hall is the hall next to the common room, but you have to go though the common room to get to the hall.

I love the meeting hall.

Everyone thinks that this is like a prison when you have to sit behind a sheet of glass and talk though the phones.

It's nothing like that.

The meeting hall has about five tables with chairs and you can do anything, you can touch the person sit and close to the person as you like, there are no rules or restrictions.

"Ren your door is open" Yoongi smiles at me. Yoongi has an adorable smile, it's like a gummy teethy smile. He's also the guard that set up me and Snow seeing each other every Tuesday.

I know that that day I leave here I will give him the biggest hug I could possibly ever give someone. He has been such a help recently, plus he is the nicest guard in this place.

"Ren? It's two minuets to eight, GO" Yoongi claps at me. I bolt off towards the meeting hall. Slippers in hand running bare foot. Running in slippers slows you down because they are just a little too big for me

I run as fast as I could only to have to wait by the door for Yoongi to catch up to me so he could unlock it. I look to the clock on the wall just a little to the right of where Taehyung sits and plays chess to see that he wasn't there either and that it was also one minute to.

He soon enough arrives and unlocks the door for me to see my little Snowflake. As soon as he opened the door and we both entered the room he locked the door from the inside.

I scan the room looking for my red head best friend and I see her sitting at our table. I feel my heart pounding in my chest as my anxiety starts to kick up. I always get anxiety when I walk over to Snow I don't know why I just do.

As I get closer to her I stop to put my slippers on. Before quietly continuing to walk over to her. I notice she's in a world of her own as she's drawing something in her little A4 sketchbook.

As I approach her I stand to her left and tap her shoulder. She whips around to see me stood there.

"REN!" She squeals my name as she pulls me into one of her hugs. One of the inescapable hugs I may add.

Snow please don't leave me.

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