Let Me Know | Snow

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Bells screeched in my ears; waking me up from a daydream. I don't even remember what it was about. But I'm sure I'd rather be there than here. Once I get to the library I can disappear into my own imagination again. I'm much more content there.

A mass of students flood past me like an overflowing river. I get swept up in the waves, slowly drowning in the sea of people. So many voices. So many conversations that I only catch snippets of.

"...dead eyes and bloody hands"

"He shouldn't be there. He should be rotting in jail after what he did"


Who? Can someone let me know?

"What's his name? Is it Taehyung?"

Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? The same Taehyung I saw this morning? He doesn't look capable of murder; and Ren never mentioned anything.

I manage to escape by weaving through people; mumbling my apologies if I accidentally step on someone's foot.

Pressing myself against the wall I wait for the crowd to disperse off into their respective classes. Once I'm alone I sink to the floor, burrowing my head into my knees as I pull my legs into my chest. I stare at the ground between my shoes. Thank the stars above that I have a free period this morning.

A single shadow hurries past me. I don't know who. I only see a flash of tan as they hurry past.

Scratching the idea of the library; I drag myself up from the floor to make my way outside. Fresh air so I can breathe, clear my head.

Kim Taehyung is a killer?

My sketchbook is pressed against my chest tightly. I don't know what I'd do if I misplaced it. It seems like a silly thing to be protective over but I pour my heart and soul into my art.

My route takes me by the performing arts department. I can hear the music before I even reach the dance rooms. I slow down to watch through the windows of the door.

A silver haired boy glides gracefully past the door. It's always fascinated me how one can be so in control of their body? I'm a clumsy ball that trips over her own feet. Ren was always there to pick me up. After she's finished laughing that's is.

I perch on the window sill with my feet up. I'm probably not meant to sit here but the lighting is really good. And Namjoon is always telling me that I should maybe try drawing something that's moving. Butterflies are one thing. What's it like to draw a dancer?

The answer is hard. As you guessed: They. Don't. Sit. Still.

I leap out of my skin when someone leaves the room. My pencil slips from my grasp and clatters to the floor. "Shoot" placing my sketchbook down I scramble off the sill to retrieve the ruined pencil. Chances are that when I come to sharpen it, it'll just break every time.

"Why can't I get that stupid move right?" I know that voice. Please don't know me. I grab my bag to leave. It was stupid to sit there.

"Hey you forgot this" he calls after me.
I turn to face Jungkook. He has my sketchbook in his hand, stretched out to me. I take it without looking him in the eye. "They're really good by the way" he says referring to my sketches. "You captured the movement well"

"Thanks" I take my sketchbook from him and back up to leave. I turn but my curiosity gets the better of me. He's Taehyung friend. Ren knows Taehyung. And the rumours are unsettling.

I turn back around quickly before I can give myself time to chicken out.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask quietly and he looks at me curiously, warm brown eyes like melted chocolate lock onto mine. His height is intimidating as he towers over me. He quips an eyebrow.


"S-sorry" I stutter when I realise that is forgotten how to speak. "I -I wanted to ask about Taehyung? I heard that-"

"I don't care about what you heard it's all lies and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they believe those rumours!" He snaps at me and I'm taken aback "Oh don't look so surprised that I snapped" he huffs, running his hands through his dark hair "I'm so sick of people asking me these stupid questions."

"Jungkook I didn't-"

"Mean anything by it? Save it I don't wanna hear it. I guess even the quiet, pretty ones are dumb-"

"Jesus Christ would you let me finish?!" Now it's his turn to look taken aback. "You're not the only one who's best friend is stuck in that place so would you cool down!" I don't shout, but voice is raised and irritated. I can feel myself tremble as his gaze softens on me. I clutch my sketchbook to my chest and push past him, my eyes downcast as my shoulder lightly brushes his arm.

"Hey I'm sorry" he calls after me.

"Save it" I mumble to myself as I hurry down the corridor. I'm desperate for fresh air. My heart is pounding and I feel like I'm suffocating. I've never had someone snap at me like that. The corridors are lonely and desolate as I scurry down a flight of stairs. Pushing the heavy doors to outside open I breathe in the fresh air that clears my lungs and my head.

Feeling the sun on my face I wonder what Ren is doing right now. On a bright day like this she would be itching for a camera; but I don't even know if she's allowed one. What would she photograph there? Mental patients? White walls?

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. It just reminds me that it is exactly was Jungkook did when he was frustrated with me. Shaking the thought away I locate a bench to sit on. Only I don't actually sit on it; I was going to until I spotted a little patch of daisies. Dropping my bag I lay on my front across the soft natural carpet. Opening up my sketchbook I start to sketch the small white flowers with a soft pencil that I pulled out from the bun in my hair.

After drawing for a few minutes I stare at the daisies. Not one of them has moved. They're all there and my heart aches for my best friend. If she where here those daisies would probably be in a line down my back; Ren leaning over me with a camera in hand as she tells me off for giggling. The memory is hazy. The physical outcomes of that day are pinned to the wall of my dorm room. A date scrawled on the back. Too long ago.

Just let me know your okay?

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