Love Yourself | Taehyung

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I'm sat in the chair that is in Jin's office. It is only 9:30 on a Monday morning. This is the earliest I have been in his office, since I've been here I always come here sometime after 12 but today was different.

Today was the day I got my release date.

He hasn't told me yet as we are going through paper work and sorting somethings.

Things like where am I going after here?

Who would pick me up?

Regular check up sessions I will need after I leave.

Where will I be living?

He had to phone the college and ask if my placement was still available.

He had asked me all of these questions but I hadn't given him any answers yet.

There where so many things that he had to do. Yet he seemed to cool and calm. If it was me in his position I would be off the stress scale. He just deals with everything so well.

As I leant back into the chair Jin looks up from the paper work which makes me lean forward again.

"I just received an confirmation email from your college saying the Hoseok will be more than happy to allow you back into your course, and that there was always a space for you, the only bad thing is that you need to catch up with the other students" Jin tells me as he reads from his Mac's screen.

I show him a small smile as this is just amazing news. I get to go back to college and continue to pursue my dream. Something that I have been dreaming of after a month of being here.

"In the email I wrote to your college I also included if it was alright for you to come back here for regular check up sessions, which will lessen as time goes by, as you already know" he takes a small pause whilst I nod at him.

"There response was once again positive, with a yes, they also said that once I know what day is suited best for me and you just to let them know so they can mark it down as you'll have to come in college time, is that okay with you?" He questions me and I nod.

"That's fine with me" I give me a short answer as I knew he had a lot to go though.

"I was thinking maybe 9am on a Thursday morning?" He asks and I give him a small nod of approval.

"I will email the college now to let them know, give me a couple of seconds" he smiles before looking back the the Mac screen and typing quickly on his keyboard.

As he typed away I lent back into the chair whilst I waited patiently for him to finish.

"Right that's all sent, I take it you be living at the college dorms yes?" Another question is asked, I send another nod to him, nodding a little he writes it down in my file.

"My next question is who will be able to pick you up?" He says as he puts his own down onto his desk.

"I guess it'll be Jungkook and Jimin, one or the other"

"Jungkook is the one who sees you every Tuesday morning isn't he?" He asks.

"Yeah, he's been my best friends since I can remember he's more like a brother to me, the only family I need" I explain to him making him smile a little.

"I have his phone number on file so I'll give him a ring and see if it's okay with him for you to leave with him tomorrow morning" he smiles as my eyes widen.

"T-to-m-morrow?" I stutter and he nods his head.

"I was given two dates for your release so I chose the closest one as I know you want to get out there and back to your studies" he sweetly smiles at me.

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