Not Today | Ren

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I'm stood by the entrance to the common room after my stress filled meeting with Jin. As I hear the sound of the door being unlocked, I inhale a deep breath. I hold it for a couple of seconds before exhaling it.

I swallow back my tears.

I put on my brave face.

I go to walk though the door but my feet are glued to the floor. "Serenity move" I hear the guard demand. I feel a rage build up inside me. I move a couple of steps so I'm in the common room, then I freeze. I sense the guard move, standing next to me.

"How many times it's Ren not Serenity" I growl through my teeth, all he does is just chuckle at me, which just makes me angry.

"How many times I don't care" he says into my ear mimicking my chosen words. "Now move" he grabs my arm.

Wrong move.

Without a hesitation or a thought I spin around and punch him clean in the nose.

"Now any second that's going to start bleeding so your going to have to firmly pinch the soft part of your nose, just a little above your nostrils for at least 10 maybe 15 minutes depending on how hard I hit you, also breath though your mouth, and tilt your head forward, I tell you this because it will drain blood down your nose instead of down the back of your throat making you choke and die"

I stand and look at the guard who pressed a button on his walkie talkie before doing what I said. "Also with how hard I hit you, that's probably broken and so is this" I say and lift my right hand up.

With that said his nose started to gush with blood. Yoongi appeared next to me. Whispering to me I follow him out from the common room leaving the guard to deal with his problem on his own.

"Why did you punch him?" I get questioned as soon as I arrive back at Jin's office.

"He touched my arm, it was a reflex plus the next time he calls me Serenity I won't hesitate to do it again" I say with no pauses for air, as I sit on the the chair. Just like I was ten minutes ago.

"I will have words with him"

"No I think you should just fire him! He's shit at his job, he doesn't treat any of us patients with respect, he's always demanding us around, he never fucking smiles and he reeks of sweat, so bad that it offends my nose!" With the truth out Jin and Yoongi just look at me.

"Ren, calm"

"I am calm I just hate him, he's a dick" I stand up from the seat I was perched on the edge of. "I'd like to go to my room please" I quietly ask whilst I walk towards the exit. I hold back tears that are fighting hard to come though. I freeze right before I get to the door. "Also I think I've either broken my hand or a couple of my fingers" I mumble holding up my right hand.

After Jin has made a quick phone call a medic was in the office seconds later. Gently the medic bandaged up my hand so I was able to go to my room. Luckily I hadn't broken myself only bruised some finger bones. But the medic said to me that the guard has been sent to the hospital to have his nose repositioned because I did quite the number on it.

The even better part of is was that he's not allowed back to work for a week.


Yoongi was walking me to my room. I just wanted to read quietly in there on my own. "Ren, I just want you to know I'm not angry with you" I come to a hault and side eye him. "I don't have to get on with everyone I work with ya know, plus if you and Taehyung don't like him then I definitely don't" he chuckles.

Hmm so Taehyung doesn't like him either?


Soon enough we arrive at my door. And what's the first thing that catches my eye? A new book in my drop box thing. At the speed of light I grab it and read the front cover. "Host by Stephenie Meyer" I read out loud. I smile to myself and pull it close to my chest.

A new friend. Perfect!

Yoongi unlocks my door, before he can even pull it open I aleady have and I'm sat on the bed cross legged, book open lost in the words. "Want me to stay for a bit?" I hear him ask. Sometimes when he's not busy he will sit in my door way and keep me company. I quickly look up, hold my book up, shaking my head lightly.

"Not today"

"Okay, I'll come and get you at dinner" he gummy smiles at me before pushing my door too and locking it.

Dinner time flew by so quick which was perfect as it meant I could get back to reading. I found my myself constantly turning the pages of this book. Falling more and more into the story. I turn the page once more and see a folded note with my name written in pen. A handwriting that was recognisable but didn't know who it officially belonged to.

I unfold the paper and my eyes fall straight to the the name it was signed by. V. Who are you? V, I'll find out who you are soon enough.

I drift my eyes back to the top of the note and give it a little read;

I saw what you did earlier. I saw you punch that guard today! I'm so glad you did, he's been a prick for the past 2 years and I've never been able to get close enough to do it myself. I could actually kiss the ground you walk on, but I won't because that's weird and unhygienic, so have this book instead. I read it a couple months back, not my sort of thing but I know your love for books!
~ V

I put the note back into the book and use it as a book mark. As quick as I could I grabbed my crayon and paper and wrote out a little thank you note for V. As soon as I had written the note, I jumped straight back onto the universe what was my book.

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