Rain | Ren

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Another day.

Another day I'm here.

Another day I sit in this chair.

Another day I'm joined by Stiles.

Another day I'll see Jin.

Another day I fall in to the alternative universe that is my book.

Another day I'll catch Taehyung looking in my direction.

Another day I watch the weather out the window.

But today the weather was surprisingly different. It was usually blue skies, no white fluffy clouds, and just the rays of the yellow star in the sky.


Today it was raining. Hard. You could hear the rain droplets smash against the window. All I wish I could do is stand out in it for just at least a couple of seconds.

I can just imagine it.

Standing out in the pouring rain. With my wet hair hugging my face. Just letting all the little ice-cold rain droplets fall onto my skin and making my clothes slightly damp. As the droplets would fall down my face no one would be able to notice that I had started to cry too, as the tears would blend in with the rain drops.

I just look up to the sky, my eyelids turn into butterfly wings, fluttering repelling the droplets from going into my eyes. Just standing in the rain letting the world pass a minute at a time.

But it's just another day sat in the chair. Reading. Watching the rain. Wishing I was somewhere else but here.

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