The Truth Untold | Taehyung

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A couple tears slide down my cheek as I stood up to walk away. The strong person I thought I was, broke. I don't even know why I'm crying.

I walk away from my best friend. That's something I never thought I would do. I have never walked away from him nor Jimin.

I have waited for Jimin to walk though those doors for the past two years. Today he did. Today was the first day he decided to come see me.

We sat. We talked. We laughed a little at old times. But seeing him made me angry. Mainly because it has taken him two years to come here to see me.

I knew something had happened between them. Kookie and Chim. I figured it out on my own but I didn't and couldn't tell Kookie, I didn't want to make him feel terrible.

I figured it out when he stopped being able to say his name. Jimin.

As I walk away from Kookie I feel instant regret. I didn't want to walk away, but I can't sit and talk to him when he's been lying to me about it all. I'm happy that he told me. But I'm upset that it took so long.

I walk past Ren who was laughing and giggling with her best friend. Seeing her happy is everything I have ever wanted. Her smile is like the sun. Warm and bright.

As I look to her she waves at me. I send a small smile her way but in the process a tear slips down my cheek. I look away waking quicker towards the door where Yoongi was stood.

Before I could get to him someone grabs my hand. The only person who would do this, is the one person who I don't want to see my cry.


I see her stand in front of me, but being a person who hates people seeing him cry, I turn my head so she couldn't see my face. Please Ren. Go back to seeing Snow. I don't want you to see me like this.

"Hey hey hey, what's up?" Her soft sweet voice asks.

"Nothing I just-" before I could finish my sentence she turns my hand to face her. Please don't.

As she turns my face I close my eyes so she can't see all the emotions filling up inside them.

"Tae, please don't hide from me" she pleads. Sighing I open my eyes. I avoid making eye contact for a split second before my eyes find hers.

"I'm sorry Ren" another tear slides down my cheek as I apologise.

"Why are you apologising" she wipes the tear away.

"It's my fault that they stopped talking" I tell her.

"You can't and shouldn't blame yourself Tae, it wasn't your fault that you wanted to get better, please promise me that you'll stop blaming yourself for what's happened between them" she sighs wiping another tear from under my eye.

I nod at her, I blink and a couple of tears drop. I didn't mean for them to drop. She cups my face in her hands. One of her hands finds it's way to my hair.

I couldn't look away from her. I really wanted to but I couldn't. I don't want her to see me break like this. I've been so strong for so long only just to fail myself like this.

"Ren I-" before I could even finish her lips were on mine. Her soft plump lips against mine. She makes me warm. She is my source to happiness.

She pulls away to gently hug me. As I hug her back I kiss the top of her head. I love her. I love her with all my hearts content.

"You should go finish your time with Snow" I say to her as she steps back from the hug.

"You should go back to Kookie, hear him out, don't hold anything against him, just listen to him explain the truth untold, maybe there are reasons" she holds my hand.

"You can't leave on a bad note, because if you do it'll be all you think about for the next coming week" Nodding at her words I step closer to her. Holding onto my arm she pulls me towards the tables.

Stopping at her table, Snow smiles towards me. "Hi Tae" I give a little wave. "Hey Snow"

"You better be looking after her" she points to her best friend. My girlfriend.

"I am indeed, same to you with Kookie, he's not as tough as he looks" I chuckle.

Tucking a strand of her deep red hair behind her ear she nods. "We look after one another" she smiles. Kookie is lucky to have someone like her, just like I'm lucky to have someone like Ren.

Ren sits down as I stand behind her. "I'll see you after" I whisper as I bend down. Kissing her cheek I feel her smile. "Bye Snow" I wave to her.

"Bye" she waves back.

I walk back towards Kookie. He was sat with his back facing me. I stop just a couple of footsteps away from the table. I take a deep breath and continue to walk over to him.

Sitting back down in my seat I clear my throat. He looks up at me, a small smile appears on his face.

"I'm sorry for walking off like I did, I just needed some time to think, but I'm back for these last ten minutes" I apologise to him.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, it was all my fault for not telling you sooner, I will tell you everything you want to know" I nod at his words. I'm glad he's willing to tell me. But the truth is I don't want to know at this moment in time.

"I want to know, I do, but maybe another time, let's talk about old times when we were all together, laughing, having a good time" I chuckle.

We talk about about before I came here.

We laughed.

We joked.

The clock soon enough hit 9 O'clock. The time where he has to leave.

I did what Ren said. I didn't leave it on a bad note, I couldn't think of anything worse to do. He's the one of the two people I cannot bare to lose.

I watch him walk over to Snow who looks up to him as he stands next to her.

Watching them leave hand in hand, my eyes fall onto Ren who was smiling over to me.

I don't know what I'd do without her.

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