Love Is Not Over | Snow

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Kookie grips my hand tightly in his, his thumb gently rubbing over my skin. I hold his back just as tightly. My knee jumps in it's nervous habit. I can't help it. I do it every time I come to see Ren. I don't even notice I'm doing it until the dark haired boy next to me picks up my legs and drapes them over his lap. My feet can't touch the floor this way.

I can feel the warmth of bare skin from the rips in his jeans on my own bare legs; due to me wearing shorts. His hand stays cupped under my knee as his thumb traces patterns into my skin. He knows full well when he does that it makes me jumpy. When I look up at him he's staring at the clock with a small smile tugging at his lips. See; he knows.

I slide my own hand between his and my knee. It forces him to hold my hand and not my bare legs. I'm shy. Sue me. It's not that I don't want him too. But. Actually I don't know. Emotions and feeling are difficult to understand. Especially in public. Not that the waiting room was really public as there's only me and him here. But still.

Jimin couldn't come today because he needed to sort some choreography out with Hoseok. Kookie promised to tell Tae that he would come next week without fail. Tae now has two people routing for him to be out of this place. Ren only has me. I feel bad for that. Ren has never been one for large friend groups. It was always me and her. My Rennie. Her Snowflake.

"Snowie?" Kookie calls quietly to me. I look up at him. "What are you thinking about?" He asks, squeezing my hand. "You look very far away"

"Ren" is all I answer with. He nods, looking very far away himself. Just as I think about Ren; Kookie thinks about Tae. How are they? What have they been up to? How are they? Both of them probably think the same about us. The same questions circling they're heads. All except one; When can they come home? Kookie and I are home. Ren and Tae are not.

Yoongi breaks my train of thought by opening the door. I pick my legs up from Kookie's lap. Not before Yoongi sees and smirks. "You two ready" we both look at each other before nodding. Kookie's cheeks are tinted pink. I'm sure mine are too. Pushing the door open, Yoongi gestures for us to go on through to our best friends. We both hurry through the door without hesitation.

The warmth I felt from Kookie's hand in mine disappears as we part ways to go to our friends who are both sat waiting for us at their tables. Ren is facing way from me, staring off into her own little fantasy world.

"Hey Rennie" I call to her as I sit down.

"Hey" she greets me.

"What's new?"

"What's new?" We both ask at the same time.

"You first" Ren insists. "How's Kookieee?" She asks while dragging out his name; making me blush like a fool.

"He's good, we're good"

"So what have you two been up to? Tell me about dates and late nights and every kiss. I wanna know" Ren gushes. I giggle before answering.

"We have dates under a crystal sky. We dance. We laugh. Soft kisses in the morning when we wake up and then at night when we go to sleep."

"Ok so what about"- Ren starts but I cut her off.

"What's with all the questions about me and Kookie?" I giggle. "Tell me what's new with you and Taehyung." Ren's smile disappears and mine soon follows. "Tell me he didn't break your heart. I swear to god if"-

"He didn't break my heart Snowflake." Ren tells me after cutting me off. She takes a deep breath. "Tae's getting out. He's better" Her voice wobbles as shes talks. "He's leaving"

I sit and process the information I have just been given. I twist to see Tae and Kookie both beaming at each other. of course I'm happy for him and my boyfriend. Kookie gets his best friend back. Why shouldn't he be happy?

But my best friend is still here. Stuck. Stuck somewhere she doesn't want to be.

"Snowflake?" Ren calls me. I turn back to her, her eyes glassy. "What if all comes to an end? What if he leaves and"- Ren's voice cracks.

"Don't." I chide her. "Don't even go there. Tae leaving does NOT mean that he will stop loving you. Ren; yours and his love is not over just because he's fit to leave." I take her hands in my lap and clasp my hands round hers. Kookie does this with me when he needs to calm me down. It works. Ren looks at me and I smile at her.

"What did I do to get you? She asks me.

"You found the other most awkward three year old human being and went 'that one' she's shy too" Ren finally laughs. I'm not wrong. She suddenly hugs me. She's never really been the hugging type. I hold her tightly. "No one is leaving you. Not this time" I promise her.

This is probably the longest hug we've ever had aside from the hug I gave her when she first entered this place. My promise then was the same as it is now. I'm never leaving.

Kim Taehyung you'd better make the same promise. Please don't break her.

"Girls it's time." Yoongi tells us. We break from our hug to look at him. Kookie stands behind Yoongi beaming. I wish I felt as happy as he looks. I turn to my best friend and put on a brave face. She gives me one back. But we both know they're fake. Trying to be brave for the other one. Even in here we both know each other to well.

A mask for each other that'll get tossed aside as soon as I leave.

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