Begin | Snow

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The noise in the college cafeteria is overwhelming. I mean there are SO  many people in here. So many conversations flying around that it's difficult for me to figure out my own thoughts. But unless I want to die of dehydration; I have to come in here to refill my water bottle. It's blue with gold writing in cursive; Tale as Old as Time. Yes I have a Disney quote on my water bottle like a child. Do I care? No. Do I get made fun off for it? Probably.

I fill my water as quickly as I can before hurrying across the hall so I can go outside and actually breathe fresh air and not air filled with the stench of grease that the cafeteria food is cooked in.

I reach the doors and bump my hip into the lock mechanism to open it. You learn neat ways of opening doors and performing basic tasks when you've a always got your hands full. I can turn on a light switch with my foot and yes; I am proud.

I scan the room one last time before turning to walk out the door. Dumb mistake. Jungkook is sat on the table to my left. I freeze on the spot when he  looks up at me. He opens his mouth to say something but I dart out of the door before he can. I hear the door swing shut, but to my dismay I hear it open again not even a second later. I groan quietly when he calls out to me.

"Hey wait!"

"I'm sorry!" I call as I turn around and collide when his chest. When the hell did he get so close?  "Ouch" I mumble, rubbing my temple. I groan again when I realise that I still have charcoal on my fingers from class earlier.

Jungkook holds me at arms length, his hands on my shoulders and his eyes wide and innocent like a bunny. His expression is quizzical as he stars at me.  "You're sorry?" He swallows thickly and I watch his Adam's apple bob as it's right at my eye height. "Why are you sorry?"  He lets me go gently, his fingers delicately brushing over my arms before he shoves his hands deep into his hoodie pockets. "I'm the one that snapped at you. I should be apologising to you; not the other way round."

"Forget about it" I say, I'm just desperate to find somewhere where I can breathe.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm just sick of people digging for dirt on my best friend. He doesn't deserve it." He scuffs the grass with the toe of his sneakers.

"It's ok Jungkook I get it" his eyes find mine. There's a small stripe of gold that shoots through his eyes when the sun hits just right. A shock of honey within chocolate.

"It's no fun not having someone you love around all the time" I muse aloud while taking small steps backwards. I offer a small smile before I turn my back to him. He follows me closely and honestly it makes me nervous.  Wouldn't anyone be nervous if a tall attractive boy was following them? We walk side by side in silence before I sit cross-legged on a bench. Jungkook flops down next to me dramatically.

I try to ignore him as I sketch. Drawing helps me disappear off somewhere else. Ignore reality. However Jungkook was making that very difficult at this point in time. He kept  leaning in to see what I was doing. Artist pet peeve no1 we hate it when  people watch us.

"Why a wolf and a fox?" He eventually asks; making me jump. He chuckles at my reaction. "So why?"

"It's a story that Ren used to tell me about a Huntress and a Kitsune; a  wolf and a fox" I look back down at the animals on my paper. "Personally I prefer drawing people but I need to 'show diversity in my skills as an artist'". I mimic my tutor; Namjoon's voice.

"So Ren is where Tae is?" Jungkook asks. I nod.

"But I don't want to talk about it" I feel Jungkook's presence retreat from me and the next thing I know one of his legs is behind me. He throws a leg behind my back and leans down to rest on his elbow, posing across the bench.

"Draw me like one of your French girls" he says dramatically. No wonder way he takes performing arts. I burst into a fit of laughter, covering my face in my hands. "I'm glad you think I'm funny" I watch him grin widely from behind my fingers. Damn he's cute it's not fair.

"Not to sound; rude but why are you hanging around me?" I ask, dropping my hands into my lap. I'm genuinely confused as to where this playful nature has come from. Jungkook sighs and sits up.

"You're lonely. I'm lonely. We both have people in our lives that can't be here right now. Who else am I going to hang out with?" What he said made sense.  He's the only person I've ever met that could possibly understand what  it's like to have a friend locked away from you.

"What makes you think I'm lonely?" I ask him. His expression is one of 'are you really asking me that?'

"Your face practically says it"

"Oh really? Someone took a black marker to my face and wrote 'I'm lonely'?" I ask him mockingly. Jungkook just laughs.

"No. But you do have a charcoal smear down your left cheek." Jungkook laughs when I dive for my bag to try find a mirror. "Want me to lick my sleeve and get it off?"

"Oh my god would you shut up you sound like Ren" I laugh and hide my face in my lap; folding myself up. All he can do is laugh at me. I watch him laugh from under my hair. He lights up like a beacon and I can't help but smile.

You know what Jungkook; I think I could grow to like you. I feel a little more new. It's like he made me begin again. A fresh start. Maybe a new friend.

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