Phone Calls From Home & Third Place

Start from the beginning

"So what do you think the treat will be?"

"I don't know," I wipe my face with my napkin. "I didn't eat a bull's penis for nothing, so-,"

As if we were having Deja vú, the exact moment the words slip from my mouth, the phone rings.

"Who would that be?"

"I'll get it," Fleur offers. The pace she gets up from her chair is a lot steadier than usual - any sudden movements and my stomach may burst too.

John and I exchange a frown, as Fleur picks up the phone.

"Hello ... Oh my god! John!"

He hunches over. "Yeah?"

"It's Scott!"

My whole body tingles.

"Oh my god, John! Run!"

John jiggles like a telly tubby, bouncing up to the phone box and picking up the phone. "Hello!"

He's is in the phone box for a few minutes before the line cuts off. When he emerges from the red glass box, tears are streaming down his delicate cheeks. "I can't believe it."

I stand up from my seat and take John into a tight hug, trying hard not to squash his fragile bloated stomach. "What did he say?"

"Just ... just how proud he is and stuff." I wipe a tear away with the bottom of my shirt.

The phone rings again, and Fleur's contrast in speed is evident. "Hello...

"Who is it?

"It's Keshia!"

Fleur disappears into her own little world, gossiping down the phone to who could be her twin sister. "Who do you think your phone call will be from?" John asks me.

"Maybe Cassy," I buffer. "Or mum and dad."

After a few minutes also, Fleur exits the phone box and descends down the slope back to her seat at the table. "It was my sister," she nods, quite choked up.

The final ringing of the phone box echoes through each cell of my being. "Get it, Emma!"

I've never run as fast. Ascending up the slope, tugging the phone box open and stepping inside, I grab the black handle and place it on my ear. Adrenaline rushes through my veins at such high pressure, I could explode at any second.



That's a voice I've come to love so much.


"Hi," I can hear him smiling. "Oh my god, how are you? How was your final trial?"

"It was so bad," I lift a hand to my eyes, catching some of the tears. "But we won all the stars! I wish you were still here!"

"I know, I've been watching you on TV all day." He cheers. "I'm so proud of you! Well done for making the final three!"

I spot John and Fleur watching me through the glass.

"Guys!" I bawl over the campfire. "Get up here! It's James!"

Like greyhounds out of the starting rigs, Fleur and John belt up to the phone box and pile in beside me.

The Heart of the Jungle - James McVey - I'm A Celebrity 2018 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now