"It's not that." Bonnie said with a smile that quickly vanished. "Why? Do you want to break up?"

"Of course not, Cutie Bonnie Patootie." Kol quickly said. "But you go first."

"Okay... I wanted to know what do you see in our future. Do you see us having a future? And if you do how is it?"

"I imagine us being together. I'm so happy..." Kol said with a smile. "But you are not. You resent me for not being able to give you the life you wanted. I couldn't grow old with you nor give you children. I don't want that to happen. I don't want you to grow old resenting me for not letting you have the life you deserve."

"What if I turned?" Bonnie asked.

"I couldn't ask you to do that for me. I know how painful it is to lose the magic. It's not only the magic you lose, you also stop feeling the nature, that strong bond just vanishes and for how much you try to get it back, you can't." Kol said sadly, missing how he used to be a witch.

"I want to be with you but... what if you end up stop feeling like this about me? Even if I use a spell to stop me from aging like others, I will still eventually grow older and I won't be so young and beautiful. I will become this old lady who's annoying you." Bonnie said.

"You'll never annoy me. And you growing old is not a problem to me. The problem I see is me not being able to give you a child, not being able to grow old with you." Kol said. "You might not want that right away but you'll eventually want that. I can't stop you from living the life you deserve, even if I'm not in it."

"Maybe we should do like Klaus and Care and take things slow." Bonnie said, not wanting to think of a future without Kol nor wanting to make big life decisions now that they both are so vulnerable.

"It's probably better. I love you, Bonnie Bennett." Kol said and they kissed passionately.

" Kol said and they kissed passionately

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Elena was now seating next to Elijah and showed him a box of chocolates with different types of chocolates.

"What kind of chocolates are these?" Elijah asked, making Elena smile to him.

"Depends on which one you're talking about. There's dark chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate with licor, dark with white chocolate and many more as you can see."

"And how can we know which ones do we like?" Elijah asked.

"That's the fun in it. There might be some awful chocolates in here but there's also many great so whenever we try one it's a surprise and make us appreciate much more the good ones." Elena said and Elijah smiled, amazed at Elena's way of seeing things and of finding ways in enjoying life even with a simple box of chocolates.

"You never fail to amaze me, Milady." Elijah whispered and kissed her.

" Elijah whispered and kissed her

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Klaus and Caroline were now in their room and Klaus was surprised with the amount of shopping bags there was in their bedroom.

"I know. I got a little over my head this time but I got something for you... well, for us." Caroline said, making Klaus look at her curious.

Caroline smiled at him and then turned around, grabbing a few things from a peck.

"Paints?" Klaus asked because he was expecting something else, not sure what.

"It's not just paints, Nik." Caroline said, rolling her eyes, making Klaus give her a confused look. "These are paints proper for use in our bodies and this is the place we will paint. I thought the Mikaelson who is such a big artist would love to have a painting of the King and Queen making love, showing how much they love each other and how much they enjoyed pleasing each other."

"Caroline Forbes, you are my dream woman. I love you so much!" Klaus said kissing her passionately.

Klaus never really was once to let the girl buy things for them to use in bed but Caroline was not just any other girl and he loved how she used his passion to be used in his favorite thing to do with his favorite person

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Klaus never really was once to let the girl buy things for them to use in bed but Caroline was not just any other girl and he loved how she used his passion to be used in his favorite thing to do with his favorite person.

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